Post count: 93172

I’m sorry you are feeling so rotten. You sound a lot like me a year ago. I wasn’t diagnosed until June of ’99 but the two years prior to diagnosis I had a sinus infection from hell. I took every antibiotic 2 and 3 times and still when I would finish them up it would come right back.

It was really weird because I had been thinking for a while that there was something more serious wrong with me and it was a matter of time before it would come to claim me and it did.

The only hope I can offer is this. I was diagnosed, had the surgery and am currently being regulated on replacement meds and I have never felt better. I was so sick before being regulated I couldn’t fight off anything. My endo tells me that when I am regulated I will be back to normal. I had to look at old photos to remind myself of just how sick I really looked. It was horrible but I couldn’t see it then.

It really helped me to appreciate when I look back to see where I had come from.

Good Luck and I hope you feel better soon.


p.s. Jan told me about the get togethers they have every so often and I can’t wait til we can all meet face to face. Fun times!