Post count: 93172

Hi all,

I was just wondering if any of you have eyesight like mine. I am farsighted in my right eye, and nearsighted in the left. It has been this way since I started welding, but, that is also when I first lost my voice for a month, and had TSH test including T3 and T4, all I was told at the time was I wasn’t hypo, but now know I was subclinically hyper back then, and don’t know which one to attribute it to.

Also, I have read the posts about expothma…(sp?), because I have dark rings under eyes with puffiness, but my eyes are squinty, they are always red, and when I wake in the morning, they feel like I have had them closed so very tight while sleeping and was curious to know if anyone has had similar symptoms? oh, also kinda ithcy at the end of the day, if I rub, they burn.

I also checked the posts about yawning, but didn’t find anything helpful. I wanted to know if my excess yawning is because of shortness of breath, or from medications (prozac, PTU, and atenolol)

Thanks for being here, ( I must still be hyper as I am still up and have to work tomorrow—oops! today)