Post count: 93172

This is a timely questions, because beta blockers are in the news today re possible links to diabetes risk when used to treat hypertension. If you want a very technical answer, just look up a particular one, say tenormin, on a drug site. I have been on that for many years, originally for my essential hypertension, but it did help me while hyper. The action is to block the beta receptors of the autonomic nervous system. It therefore relaxes vessels, and decreased blood pressure, slows the heart rate, and calms the shakiness of graves. It is also used for the same reason to prevent vascular headaches/migraines, and treat essential tremors. I have had no side effects from taking it. In graves, it can help symptoms of being hyper while waiting for treatment to work, I hear many people mention propanolol as one commonly used,or atnenolol(tenormin) My hyperthyroid cat and I share my atenolol prescription, he takes 1/8 pill a day, I take 1 and 1/2!
As for if you need to be on it, do you have a high heart rate or shakiness? If you do, it may be worth asking you MD. Even the best doctors miss obvious things occasionally.