Post count: 93172

I can only tell you what my ocularplastic ophthalmologist told me. I’ve never had the dry eyes, in fact, my problem was the exact opposite–tears constantly running down my face. Radition therapy helped much of the swelling on top, but I too have extreme puffiness under my eyes and am very, very self conscious about it. I hate it when well meaning people will walk up to me and say, “Gee you really need to get more sleep.” Thank you very much. Anyway, my eye doc says that the puffiness is just misplaced fat . . . the fat that is supposed to be behind your eyes to cushion them. He says the the inflammation has just pushed it up front and that only surgery can redirect it back to where it is supposed to be . . . even after meds have controlled thyroid hormone levels. At first I found this news upsetting, but at least I know that it can be fixed. That’s great news. I get to have my surgery in June. I can’t wait.