Do find a surgeon you feel comfortable with. Mine is so sweet, she makes me feel much better. For example, she explained to a resident while tugging on some adjustable stitches I had, “Say ouch when you hurt someone so they know you know you are hurting them.”
As for the orbital reduction surgery, it sounds too awful to think about, but is not any harder to go through or recover from than the other, more minor procedures. In my case, it worked very well to save my sight, and relieve the outward signs of the pressure (Blistering of the sclera, tear ducts protruding, eyes protruding. Just keep realistic, in that, it does help enormously, but does not CURE the GED. so signs of inflammation remain, and many will still need muscle or lid surgery. I still have much pain, and use tons of drops, 4 years and 3 surgeries later, but it is MUCH better than prereduction. Feel frre to email me with any specific questions.