Post count: 93172

I believe my endo yesterday has presented BRT to me, but didn’t call it that. I was diagnosed on 2/14 and started on PTU 2-50mg tabs 3x/day, then dropped to 1-50mg tab 3x/day, then 1 tab 2x/day. In the past two weeks I went hyper again and yesterday the endo said for me to start back on the PTU 2 tabs 3x/day which would push me to hypo then start on .05mg synthoid 1x/day once I’m hypo. I have to call him next week and let him know how I’m doing. He also brought up RAI which I told him I wouldn’t consider as an option until I’d tried ATD’s for at least 2 years. Can you provide me with more information on this therapy, pros/cons or a place I can go to get the info? I’m a bit scared about all of this. I felt “normal” for about 3 weeks and then flipped hypo before going hyper again.

Any info you or anyone else could provide is GREATLY appreciated.