Post count: 93172

Well, I have been thinking about doing this for at least several weeks, and have just been sooooo busy…. but I remember when I was in a desperate search for an RAI success story, when things did not appear very successful for my daughter. However, now that it has been about 1 year since her first RAI, I believe I can honestly say she is a success story. Carrie being 15 years old, and managing her diabetes for 14 of 15 of those precious years, we and all Graves warriors (and Graves warriors moms), measure success differently than most, I would imagine.
The other day, her eye doctor released her for a year!!!! (wouldn’t it be great if they all could do that :-) There was a time when I just knew she would be blind, and her eyes would never look like they use too.
I WAS WRONG! No diabetic retinopathy, pressures are good, see ya in a year! Praise God. The news was not always that good.
Her blood sugars are so much easier to control now that her thyroid levels are stable. She is taking synthroid and a low dose of Paxil, she went through a serious depression…. but is currently doing well with that and counseling.
I am grateful to all the facilitators and the other Graves warriors who have helped me through the many “stages of graves”….. I could never get my daughter to look at the BB..but boy, I sure could tell her what I was reading and learning.
Hang in there guys, there IS light at the end of the Graves tunnel.