Post count: 93172

Hi everyone,

I had my second RAI pill yesterday. The first RAI was four months ago . the dose then was not enough to have any effect, my hormonlevels went even higher than ever !
This time the dose was a bit higher and I’m anxious to wait If my symptoms ( rapid pulse, nervousness, fatigue, headache etc) will improve this time. What should I expect in the coming weeks ? I’m still on a beta blocker and 150mg of PTU to start with in about four days to prevent going that extreme hyper I was last time I think.
I have a bloodtest sheduled in about 3 weeks to see what happens.

My endo told me to take lots of rest without stress and not to work at all for a while, (already 6 weeks now) and that I should be carefull with my body. Are there other warriors around who have not been able to work for a while ( I work fulltime as an architect in bulding design) and how soon after RAI did you began working fulltime again ?
