Do you know if Gayle Devers did RAI? It’s great news to hear that such a great athlete as Gayle can perform like she has with Graves. I wonder how often she had her blood tested and how many adjustments were made to meds. I have not found an endo yet that understands my needs. I am not content to just “cure” Graves with RAI and live with whatever symptoms remain. If the remaining symptoms are not life threatening the docs I’ve talked to don’t seem to care. I’ve read too many frightening letters on this BB and others about weight gain, lack of libido, lack of energy, etc… Can anyone else offer any insight into athletic recovery from Graves? I cancelled my appointment for RAI today because there are too many unanswered questions. I started B12 and Vitamin E supplementation today and found a multiple vitamin without Iodine or Kelp. My endo has told me not to exercise at all but I can’t stop and turn to jello. Why am I supposed to stop? Are there any other athletes out there with Graves?