My metabolism has definitely slowed down since before I had Graves, but I’m physically active and do weight training regularly, since muscle increases resting metabolism. I have less trouble now than I did during the adjustment phase for replacement hormone, and it is definitely possible to keep my weight down, just more difficult than before. I’ve lost nearly 20 pounds since my worst times, but the last 8-10 pounds is being stubborn.
One of the theories is that people on thyroid replacement are no longer are able to “waste” extra calories as “normal” people do. I’ve found that as long as I don’t overindulge except on RARE occasion, I can maintain my weight.
I think this is another aspect of Graves’ that affects people differently. Some have no problem at all, and others definitely do, but regardless, I don’t believe it’s inevitable that we gain a lot of weight, with good nutrition and regular exercise.
Dianne W