All the time, Lisa. All the time. Some of us are just blessed with fun blood work/results. They had me giving the blood every two weeks, for about three years of my life. Then, tra-daaaaa! Once every 6 months. Wow. Now, Next YEAR???
It’s a wonder we keep anything at all together! It’s a wonder we get ANYTHING ACCOMPLISHED! It’s a wonder we even get out of bed!!! (And, some of us don’t, sometimes, for quit a while.) Then again, there are those on the other swing….staying up is NO PROBLEM. Or, my family loved to say I was “extremely committed” or “totally focused”….RIGHT!
That was shorthand for “she’s going about 10 times the normal brain activity”, or “break out the tranquilizers, doc! this girl’s on fire”!
I do miss the lost aspect of “you look emaciated” when compared to “put on a little extra weight these days?”. It was SO much easier, when I was less than 40. Take care!