Post count: 93172

I can’t believe that the pharmacist that filled your perscription isn’t saying anything…well then again maybe I can. Out of curiosity what color were those pills that you were given by mistake? And did you go on the site of your brand and check the dosage there? Assuming of course that they actually WERE a TRH, just the wrong dose.

I think I would follow through on this even more if it were me Pam. Find out who is the head pharmacist where youu fill your scripts…and tell him you want to know EXACTLY what you were given and WHY.

My cousin was a pharmacist and owned his own pharmacy prior to his death in 1996 and I know for a fact they have to do very careful, very accurate inventories and account for each and every drug and dosage they fill…so something WILL show up where the error was made in the not to distant future. It truly scares me about this. What if it were a BP med or blood thinner or something that could have had even more of a devastating outcome in a lot quicker manner?

Just my opinion but I am truly glad you have made us all aware of what did happen. Thanks again.