I was diagnosed in Oct 99 with mild graves. My TSH low and Free T4 high and T3 normal. I was put on 10 mg of Tap. By December, my TSH was still low, T4 normal and T3 still normal. So, my doctor decreased my dosage to 5 mg a day. In February I caught a cold. During my cold, my hyper symptoms came back. My arms were cramping and weak as well as my legs. My hair started to fall out again. And, I started getting real cranky. When I saw my Endo and told him my symptoms are reocurring, he agreed I was going hyper again. About a week ago, the Endo upped my dosage to 7 mg of “T.” I am being monitored closely incase I suddenly go hypo. I’ll see the Endo in another two weeks. Anyway, I was lucky enough to get a doctor who listens. Since he upped my dose, my arms are not hurting as bad.