My endo recently increased my synthroid from .2 to .225 and
within 4-5 days, I began to feel anxious like when I was
before I got the “cure”, (rai) two times.My endo stated
that my level was low and even though I felt fine, He
insisted on increasing my dose. I have had chest pain,rapid
heart,shortness of breath and general weakness. I told him
that on two occasions over the past three weeks. I finally
ended up in the e.r. today. My doctor now believes me and
told me to not take any meds for two days and to go back to my normal dose on Monday. I think it is a damn shame that my endo is
totally unsympathetic and that he is apparently unable to
listen to me. I’m from a small town with limited medical
resources.There are only two endo’s in my area and they are
partners. This goes to show you that you have to stick up
for yourself alot with this disease and sometimes you are
your own best doctor.