Congratulations on your continued good health! What you’re talking about is Block and Replace Therapy. (BRT) It is the first line of treatment of Graves Disease in Japan and much of Europe.
I had BRT 7 years ago, and have been fully restored to health. I have been on a very low dosage of synthroid for the past six years, and have suffered no relapses. Infact, my doctor says I can come off the synthroid whenever I want. But, I prefer not to tempt fate, and, since it IS such a low dose, would rather continue on the synthroid indefinately. My doctor says I can do this if I wish.
The key to your success, and mine, I believe, is that we have continued to take synthroid following being taken off PTU or Tapazole. My doctor says the reason physicians in the U.S. have not been able to duplicate Japan’s 85% success rate is because our doctors took patients off synthroid too soon. It is very important that one remains on synthroid a MINIMUM of five years. The theory is to “let the thyroid rest and heal.”
I do hope more people investigate this very promising method of treating Graves Disease.