you are not alone, people around you wants to help just need a chance, i know its hard, you want to be understood but dont want to feel weak either.try to be yourself. dont worry too much. the most people know what you are going thru, the more people will want to help. i am here for you. my son has graves for 6 months now. this hit the whole family, i wanted to help but didnt know how. we have now counseling to help us talk to each other. he became very offensive, like if nothing matter to him, but later i learned that he was reaching for help, everytime he will do something to hurt us, he was calling for help. now i just dont worry about little thing, his grades have improve from ALL F’s to only 2 out of 7, he even got an A in math. that shows he is trying very, very hard to overcome this moments. i wish only this went a little bit faster, but an improvment is an improvment and some times pushin too hard just gets the opposing results of what we want to get. patience is the key and perseverance is his best alied.