I’d like to just put in my two cents worth . I smoked for 28 years a pack a day #7 . When I was diagnosed my optho said”there is no point in trying to help you if your not going to help yourself. He showed me pictures of what my eyes would/could look like if I didn’t quit . I opted to quit and my best friend quit with me. It has been one year and a month . I never wanted to quit and really enjoyed a smoke and would like to have one now with my coffee however I havn’t started again cause Im a true smoker and would never stop. I don’t want to go through that period of agitaiton again in my life. I think it has help my TED the graves has stopped or gone into remission I think. But think of the money you can save as well. Just make sure you eat properly .
I think it is the hardest thing I will ever go through in my life.
Its worth it for my eye sight.
PS I do not bother my friends that smoke.