    Post count: 398

    I am so sorry that you are having to deal with so much! If my arithemetic is right, your daughter is 12 by now. It sounds like you made good decisions, even though they have been tough ones. We have an excellent bulletin titled "Students and Graves’ Disease" If you will e-mail me, I can send it to you by mail or as an attachment. It was written by a Special Ed Teacher, and several pediactric endocrinologists. Parents have been known to make copies, and meet with the principal, school nurse, guidance counselor and all the child’s teachers! There is not a lot written about pediatric Graves’ other than about the treatment decisions.

    Middle school is a tough time to go through, even without health problems. Please do all you can to educate her school, and then give her lots of love. The more she will talk to you, the better off both of you will be. We have a children’s coordinator who may be able to put you in touch with other parents.

    Take care, and keep in touch. Nancy (