    Post count: 115
    Hopeful23 wrote:So Does anyone actually have an exact week they really started to know a difference from being on ptu.

    The answer to your question is that it can vary significantly from person to person and for a variety of different reasons. To extend the analogy of, “weathering the storm” a little further. Compare your body to a house. If your house is built solidly, you can weather the storm much better than a house that is built on a poor foundation with structural damage prior to the onslaught of the storm. Sometimes age is a factor, pre-existing medical conditions may be another factor and the length of time your “house” has been subjected to the storm is yet another possible factor. I personally was diagnosed fairly quickly, so the disease simply did not have a lot of time to do a lot of damage (call it a category 4 that passed quickly). I was young at the time and in top physical condition (besides the GD diagnosis that is) <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />. So while some may have testimonials that seem quite dire, rest assured, it isn’t always so bad in every case. I can understand that when one is first diagnosed, there are so many concerns and sometimes our fears of the unknown overwhelm us. You are doing well by asking questions and consulting with your Dr.

    Wishing you well!
