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  • PolishTym
    Post count: 67

    I had my total thyroidectomy nine years ago, and never had stomach/digestion issues before Graves. Since then, the list of things I cannot consume gets longer and longer every year. It started with gluten, then dairy, and now that list includes meats, some berries and more. I’ve been able to return to some items that bothered me for awhile, like nuts.

    I really like my current GP who happens to also be an internal medicine doctor. But I’ve learned from having a few that they don’t seem to have any idea on what’s happening (at least those in my area), and my previous endocrinologist didn’t express much concern when I started with stomach problems. An allergist was able to do testing of some food allergies, but she has retired. Even though I am avoiding many foods and beverages, it seems like I never know when I will have a reaction.

    I’m curious if others have experienced this, and if anyone has any advice. Thanks.

    Post count: 18

    I had RAI for Graves about 20 years ago. I never had any stomach problems before that.

    Within 2 weeks after receiving RAI I started having debilitating stomach problems. I’ve tried several doctors and they just ignore me when I say that Graves could cause this problem. On the other hand, they can’t find any reason this would be happening. In fact, I even had one doctor say I was nuts.

    To this day it has only gotten worse and nobody has been any help at all. I am seeing a Gastroenterologist (again) right now and am waiting for more lab resutls. My stomach is so bad right now, I haven’t been able to do anything in over 2 months.

    So if anyone has any suggestions, I’m all ears.

    Post count: 75

    Hello I also have graves disease and have had stomach issues. I have finally been diagnosed with IBS. Knowing this has helped a lot, since I was having pain and lose bowel movements when eating certain foods. I am now on a low fodmap diet (recommended by a dietitian) and it seems to be helping. I am not sure if there is any link between Graves and IBS – but that is my experience.

    Post count: 4294

    A quick note that celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease are all autoimmune conditions, like Graves’ disease. If you’ve not been able to get any answers, it would be worth asking your doc about these issues.

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