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  • alone2009
    Post count: 4

    was wondering if anyone might be going to see an ophthalmologist for graves disease, and is getting an OCT test done? Does having this test done have any thing to do with testing for eye problems when a person has graves disease? I hope someone can help me.

    Post count: 305

    OCT is used mainly for retinal problems like cystoid macular edema, macular degeneration, macular pucker, etc. It does show problems with the optic nerve head like glaucoma and can show late stage optic neuropathy and a swollen optic nerve. I have thyroid eye disease and had optic neuropathy but did not have an OCT done to diagnose it. It is a benign test and there is no harm in having it. Hope this helps.

    Post count: 4

    So if I understand you correctly, the OCT test doesn’t have anything to do with graves disease or any eye problems caused by graves or thyroid problems?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I’m a fellow patient, not a doc, but that’s not a test that I’ve heard of for thyroid eye disease.

    Post count: 305

    Some Graves eye patients do have increased intraocular pressure but first your pressures would be checked and if high, maybe an OCT would be done to see if you have any changes to the optic disc from longstanding glaucoma. I can’t really understand why that test would be run standardly for Graves. An orbital CT scan, however, which is totally different than an OCT, is standardly done to check the size of the eye muscles in Graves eye disease.

    Post count: 1909

    I agree with Liz and the others. I have never heard of the OCT test related to TED or Graves eye disease. I would definitely ask why, or better yet, go to a different eye doc. Increased ocular pressure is further confirmed by an orbital CT scan, as Liz mentioned.


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