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  • Natserna07
    Post count: 2

    Hello! I’ve had Grave’s Disease for 6 yrs. I went through the horrible palpitations, excessive weight loss, tremors, protruding eyes, double vision etc but NEVER insomnia until recently. Has this happened to anyone else? I just went through 2 nights straight of no sleep and half of day 3 and scared to death I have something terribly wrong with me besides Grave’s.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – I’m not sure where you are on your journey (taking anti-thyroid meds, taking replacement hormone after RAI/surgery, or in remission), but the first step would be to visit your primary care provider to help identify the cause. With your Graves’ history, a likely suspect would be needing a tweak to your medication routine, although there can be other causes for insomnia as well.

    If there isn’t an underlying medical reason for your insomnia, you might also look at “sleep hygiene” factors that can help promote a good night’s sleep. Here are some suggestions:

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    We’ve all “been there, done that” with insomnia and know how miserable it is. Hope you can get some relief soon!

    Post count: 2

    Hi Kimberly!

    I am on anti-thyroid medication and I did see my PCP and my labs are off AGAIN! Only 2 wks have gone by after the dose adjustment and now I need to adjust again. I have finally decided to go for RAI. I cannot handle the ups and downs anymore! It’s driving me crazy…..

    Post count: 18


    The insomnia is incredibly scary and really awful! The only thing that truly helped was getting the thyroid numbers (free T3 and T4) back under control. I really feel for you. The ups and downs are something most of here deal with and they are absolutely a nightmare. I hope that whatever decision you ultimately land upon for treatment helps you get things back on track so that you can sleep. It’s bad enough all the other symptoms and disruptions in our lives because of Graves. Not sleeping is really one of the last straws!
    I don’t have any good answers for you. Be extra kind to yourself and hopefully the dose adjustments will give you some relief soon.


    Post count: 102

    Just wanted to chime in with your decision to have RAI. Hopefully you had made this decision after discussions with your medical team. I am currently going through TED although I had my Thyroid removed almost 2 years ago. Graves’ was a very frustrating journey but the TED journey is much harder and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. In my research and discussions with my Endo, I chose to have my Thyroid removed over RAI to reduce my chances of TED. My antibodies have been high throughout the whole of my almost 4 year Graves’ journey, so TED might have happened regardless of my treatment choice. Good luck and hopefully a return to stable levels not far off for you.
    (AKA Robboford)

    Post count: 2

    Debbie – I was glad to read your post. I, too, have TED, had the decompression, then eyelid surgery. I seem to be having a second round of Graves’. It was settled down and now I have the symptoms all over again including new edema around my eyes and right eye protruding. I didn’t know that could happen. Like you, am frustrated but glad to be in company of those who recognize how it affects a person. Charlene

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