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  • little_deer
    Post count: 4


    I am writing to ask if anyone else has noticed improved thyroid function with fasting. I have had Graves’ since ’07 and have been on a moderate amount of PTU since that time. In January my husband (who does not have thyroid disorder) and I went on the “5:2” diet in which we do a brief fast twice a week. Since that time my TSH has shot up from <0.01 to 4.56 and my medication has been steadily lowered with each passing blood test. I'm very excited to see a change in my results after so many years of the status quo.

    I know that fasting is a controversial subject and can be risky to those of us on medications or with autoimmune issues. I don’t condone diving into it without doing some research and talking to your doctor, etc. (It is also emotionally challenging if like me, you take comfort in food.) But it’s important to me that I share my experience in case there is a seed of benefit in it for someone else’s healing.

    There are so many factors in Graves’ and perhaps there have been other personal variables. I just know that I feel better than I have in a long time and that my blood work appears to correlate with my change in eating habits. I will be sure to update if I reach a euthyroid status!

    Has anyone out there had a similar experience?

    Thank you and much love and support to you all.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I haven’t seen much on this from credible sources, but this is an article from the UK’s National Health Service that might be of interest:

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