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  • sarawebberdurnell
    Post count: 41

    I have been adjusting my levothyroxine since surgery 14 months ago and still seem to be jumping from hypo to hyper. For the first time since being diagnosed with Graves and Hashimotos, my T3 dropped low and I have started taking liothyronine. It does help immensely with the hypo symptoms, but I’m not sure if this is a medication that I will have to take long term or if once my T3 goes back up, I can stop taking it. Does anyone know? Also, since my TT I have been getting terribly ill. I keep getting sinus infections and bronchitis and they last for a long time. I have needed antibiotics to rid any of them. I also sprained my ankle and it took almost 3 months to fully heal. This may be a silly question, but is my immune system compromised due to the Graves/Hashimotos, even though my thyroid is gone or is having my blood work not leveled off yet the culprit?

    Any ideas/thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


    Post count: 305

    I had my TT about when you did and just now am at what I feel is optimal dose of levothyroxine. I blamed about every symptom and illness I have had during that time on thyroid levels. In my case, it finally dawned on me that I have had some of these things long before the Graves and I tended to blame everything on the Graves. Now I have only a few symptoms I have determined to be thyroid related, like lid retraction, hair loss, pulse rate and insomnia or fatigue for extended period. That being said, some people do have trouble recovering from surgery but that should disappear in six months I would think. Anyway, I had headaches, occasional stubborn sinus infections, muscle strains, allergy etc. over the course of my life before Graves, but only a few symptoms that were exclusive to Graves. That is my conclusion but everyone is different.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Hopefully, others who have had experience with surgery and with T3 replacement will jump in here.

    With Graves’ disease, we have an immune system that is *misdirected* rather than an immune system that is low overall. Although for someone who is dealing with a lot of outside stressors – for example, Graves’ disease, surgery recovery, work issues, family problems, etc., – certainly the cumulative effect of those stressors could affect the immune system. A visit to your primary care doc could also help rule out any other issues.

    As far as I know, there really isn’t a set protocol with duration of T3 replacement. I know of some patients who have done this for life, while others went back to T4-only therapy.

    Take care!

    Post count: 41

    Thanks. I realize that some of this isn’t related, but I haven’t ever been this sick. It has just been a bad year of illness and I wondered if it had anything to do with what I have going on, or if it is just “a bad year”. Not implying that it has to be the Graves or lack of thyroid. I was just curious.


    Post count: 133

    Hi Sara – My own experience has been that a bad year seems to have triggered my Graves (starting late summer 2012), and since then, ongoing stress, stubborn viruses and other challenges seem to make the journey pretty disheartening at times. Someone here wrote that “this disease hates stress”, and I think they’re right! Thank heavens for the caring support we find here – sending lots your way,

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