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  • scanders
    Post count: 108

    I’m about two months out from the eye muscle surgery and just had my check up. My eyes are very well aligned, and I don’t even need a prism. Both eye doctors and the orthoptist had been telling me not to be surprised if I needed a little bit of prism because of the severity, especially after that one muscle had been so stubborn during surgery. But, apparently my surgeon is very good, because he fixed it! I do have a little bit of convergence insufficiency, which he believes will be corrected with a few exercises. He said I could even try contacts, although they might still be a bit uncomfortable because of the lid retraction and resultant dryness. So, next stop is back to the oculoplastic surgeon for evaluation of my eyelids. (That, and continuing to work with the endo to find my “Goldilocks” MMI dose.)

    I just looked at a “before OD and strabismus surgery” picture. What a difference it makes having my eyes back in my head where they belong, and both eyes looking in the same direction. (Even if they’re still open a little wide…) :)

    Post count: 133

    What a wonderful update to read!! Soooo happy for you, as you get another milestone behind you on this journey of ours. Good for you, Girl! Lots of us chasing down the Goldilocks doses, too (MMI, Synthroid, whatever) – stick with us -we’ll get there!

    Post count: 4294

    Glad to hear that the results were so positive – wishing you all the best as you move in to the “home stretch” of dealing with TED!

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