Insurance is a go. Thyroid levels have risen a bit (I think my engine’s running a little hot, but hasn’t overheated yet), and MMI dose has been increased accordingly. Meanwhile I now have red, scratchy, burning, watery eyes. I hope it’s just dry eyes from lack of sleep from the increased thyroid levels. Both the surgeon and the endo said that while these levels were abnormal, they were not elevated enough to postpone the surgery. My understanding is that the eye disease runs a separate course from the thyroid piece, so most likely not related. I might have a smidge of anxiety (I can get like that when my thyroid levels increase) but this is an eerie repeat of last January with rising thyroid levels, and eyes started to feel just like now… But I also think it’s highly unlikely that TED is flaring up again, the odds of that happening are very slim. (There, I think I’ve talked myself down…) Surgery is in 5 days, and I am looking forward to it. Or at least I’m looking forward to the results of it!