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  • kingzito
    Post count: 8

    I just did the survey and I can’t believe all the symptoms I had/have… depressing.
    On the good side, I’m getting a thyroidectomy in a month. My endo said the chances of my thyroid going into remission are decreasing by the month. It’s been over a year since my diagnosis but going on two years with GD.
    I’m tired of the vertical double vision and the leg swelling – deformity from whatever pretibial myxedema is.
    I’ve had it with this disease. I believe 100% that 100 years ago people suffering from GD were locked up and thrown into the loony bin. Straight jacketed and put away – lobotomies and the like until they died. ‘m sure labeled as crazy especially if they had thyroid eye disease.

    I’m actually upbeat but tired.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Those who have not experienced Graves’ really have no idea how far-reaching the effects are.

    Hopefully, you have had a chance to review posts from others who have chosen thyroidectomy as their treatment option. We have quite a few regular posters here who have been great about sharing their experiences with thyroidectomy!

    You can use the “search posts” feature in the top right-hand corner of the screen to search for “surgery”, “thyroidectomy”, etc.. (You do have to be logged in to use this feature).

    Wishing you all the best!

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