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  • curlyred56
    Post count: 1

    I was just diagnosed with Graves Disease (2 days ago) and now I need to make a choice between RIA or Anti-thyroid Meds. As of yet I don’t have any eye involvement. My concern is that I read that RIA can cause the Exothalmus. Is that true? I am also concerned about the side effects of the antithyroid meds mainly liver damage. I would like a definitive treatment with the least side effects…a lot to ask I know. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or experiences on this subject. Thanks so much.

    Post count: 1909

    Hi Curlyred! So so glad you wrote! Welcome the club you’d prefer to not to join. But really, we are a super good group!!!! You really ARE a newbie!

    First thing you need to know, is that there is no urgency for you to decide RIGHT NOW. I am wondering if you have been told you needed to choose right now or soon, or if you are trying to figure all this out,and thinking ahead. This is a good time for you to use the search engine, troll around, use key words or phrases like “just diagnosed” or “treatment.”

    But, for right now, here are some thoughts for you.
    The treatment steps are pretty defined in sequence, but the choices of treatment are usually up to you. And you have time to make them. First step is to get you safe, without too much thyroid hormone flying around your body, making you feel crazy, hungry, losing weight, shaking hands, fast heart rate, and all the crap that goes with being hyper. The anti thyroid drugs WILL HELP you with this. True, there is a small chance of elevated liver tests with ATD,s a very small one. If it happens, it us usually near the beginning of treatment. You doc will be , should be doing regular labs, a thyroid panel, and liver function tests. Ask if he is. Id like to think this has all been explained to you, but have learned that this does not always happen. Plus this is all new and scary, and hard to remember everything. Better to get you safe with ATDs and watch your labs. One of our facilitators, who will be back next week (two Graves conferences this next week in Baltimore and Chicago) has been ATD’s about 9+ years now. There is always the chance of recurrence. If that happens, then one of the other two choices requires a decision.
    Now, I am not sure why you have been told that RAI and ATD’s are your only choice, for if you have done some reading of this forum,or elsewhere, you know that a third choice is TT (total thyroidectomy) In almost all situations, it is YOUR choice. Sometimes this choice is governed by the fact that you do not live in an area where there is a good and experienced surgeon close enough to you, who does this procedure. So, if that were the case, TT might not be the choice that you have to make. As you see on recent posts on this good (and reliable) forum, several of us have recently had the surgery, which they chose. The reasons for choice are all over the map. I have just listed one relating to TT. Someone else may have strong feelings and opinions about not wanting surgery. They prefer RAI. For others, RAI is the last thing they would do. They just don’t want to, for their own reasons, valid or not. All is ok. But we do need a treatment. And if your labs are ok, you can go along for a while on ATD’s while you get your bearings. You have time, as long as you are having ATD’s. Graves’ does need to be treated, and untreated Graves is dangerous and life threatening. That is not a choice!

    As you see from my history below, I had Graves a super long time ago, and had surgery. REgarding eye involvement , you do not want me as a role model! Many people have little or not eye involvement, or maybe scratchy, itchy and red eyes, sometimes a little bulging. Many do not even notice eye involvement. And, as you see from my crazy history, I did not have eye involvement for almost five decades. So can happen anytime!

    I suggest you begin to arrange to have copies of your labs, you will be learning how to interpret them. And keep good track of how you feel. Not sure if anyone told you, they should have, that if you get a big rash or hives, be sure to report it (while taking ATD’s) this is true of any drug. It really is auite interesting to me that there are MANY drugs where liver involvement is a possibility, rarely are patients told about it. So good that there is more provided with this, then action can be taken.

    It’s late and I am tired, so signing of now. Wanted to warmly welcome you to the forum. You already have a whole new group of wonderful friends you don’t know yet. You will get better, there is an end to this, and none of it is very fast, sorry to say.

    Post count: 160

    Hello Curlyred,

    I agree with Shirley, there is no rush to make huge decisions right away. Once you start on the anti thyroid meds you’ll find that you have time to really consider which treatment path to choose. Each one has it’s own rewards/pitfalls, not one of them is easy or a quick fix. We all have to try to keep our hormone levels even, which may be easier for some than for others.
    I eventually chose RAI and I’m happy with it. I feel OK but I’m still in the “game” trying to find the ideal dose of Synthroid.
    Unfortunately, Graves’ disease is not a quick ride. It’s more like a long winding drive. Don’t get discouraged, it does get better and you can find lots of answers here to almost any question.



    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – You got great info from Shirley and Barbra. I would also encourage you to check out the “Treatment Options” thread in the announcements section of the forum, as that has two nice links that go through the pros and cons of all three treatment options.

    Take care – and please check back to let us know how you are doing!

    Post count: 17
    curlyred56 wrote:
    I was just diagnosed with Graves Disease (2 days ago) and now I need to make a choice between RIA or Anti-thyroid Meds. As of yet I don’t have any eye involvement. My concern is that I read that RIA can cause the Exothalmus. Is that true? I am also concerned about the side effects of the antithyroid meds mainly liver damage. I would like a definitive treatment with the least side effects…a lot to ask I know. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or experiences on this subject. Thanks so much.

    Idk how old you are but my coworker is 42 and she had the RAI done right off the bat, had No eye involvement at the time (lucky for that I’d say!) and said she had a rocky year of getting the meds (synthroid) adjusted right but since then she feels perfectly great, eats & does whatever she wants, laughs Alot and still has her pretty green eyes.
    My endo. (I was just dx 9/15) said b/c my eye is already protruding (that happend in 2 weeks time!) he would not recommend RAI to me. The eye spec. wont do anything to help the look of rt. eye protruding & swollen until I’ve been stable for 6 months. Now I read all this stuff about reoccurance and people getting the corrective surgery & then the d*m graves comes back & they have to go thru the whole thing again. OMG

    sorry, I have to stay focused, its getting to me. But no, I dont think u have anything to worry about if your eyes arent affected & you get the RAI you should be good to go .

    Post count: 17

    I only had the Big Hives break out a few hours after my first follow up blood test! the dr. said it was just cooincidence! He said try to stay on them and hopefully it wont happen again. I go back 11/16 , Im leary about that for sure. Im going to ask for script for prednisone pack Before I leave the office next time. Praying for that, all fingers crossed! The only time my eyes looked like myself again was after a few days of the prednisone pack. I think they should let us have one on hand for any time we might be wanting to go somewhere special and plan to take them a few days before the event, then we can look ok for a few days. Has anyone read the posts about steroidal nose spray etc. And non-steroidal eye drops. Come on researchers, find us worthy of some great options please!!!

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