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  • Sevarge
    Post count: 3

    For years while I was dealing with Graves’ Disease, being treated on anti-thyroid drugs, my menstrual period was 2 days and very light. (That, after years of having a very heavy period prior to GD diagnosis).

    After seven years on ATD’s, I had a total thyroidectomy and went on Synthroid. Within 5 months, my periods are very heavy and can last upwards of 7-9 days; a complete reversal.

    Has anyone else experienced changes in their menstrual periods such as this, either after having a thyroidectomy or RAI?

    Thank you.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Hopefully, you will get some additional responses here, but have you had levels checked recently? Heavier, continuing periods are often associated with hypO. Hopefully, your doc is looking at Free T4 and T3 in addition to TSH, and also considering any other symptoms that you might be having.

    If your levels are normal, a visit to your gynecologist would be helpful to rule out any other possible causes.

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