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  • LaurelM
    Post count: 216


    Things are getting busy. My TT is scheduled for 8/8. I did lab work today. I see my endo Wednesday. I followup with the hematologist on Thursday. Friday I have a procedure to remove an atypical mole. We have had family visiting from out of state. And, tomorrow 14 yards of gravel will be delivered for a patio build. I was hoping to have the patio project finished this week but am becoming resigned to having it drag on a bit and I needing help to complete it. I have completed school supply shopping (a whole month early). Kids will still need clothes that fit but I figure that is what the internet and UPS are for. I’ll need something to do while I recouperate, right? Ironically, I’m feeling the best I have felt in over a year. I sort of have that nesting feeling like I had prior to the births of my kids; I need to have everything clean and organized. Whew! Anyway, I’m feeling some inevitable trepidation but am looking forward to getting off this rollercoaster. I’ll keep you posted.


    Post count: 439

    Congrats on the upcoming surgery and on getting so much done these days! I can totally relate….. I felt the best I’ve felt in decades for the two weeks before my TT. I don’t know if it was an emotional relief or if it’s because my hormone levels were finally at a good place but I remember thinking that if TT could cause me to feel that way all the time I would be a very happy camper.

    I, too, was a busy bee getting things organized and done both at home and at the office so that I could go into surgery with a clean conscious. I think it was probably nerves that kept me buzzing around productively but whatever it was, it was very accomplishing.

    Good luck on the upcoming surgery and please keep us posted.

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Laurel – Wow, to say that you have a lot on your plate right now would be an understatement!

    I know that this has been a long, challenging road up to this point and a difficult decision to make. Hope to see you posting soon as a TT success story!

    Post count: 182

    Best wishes Laurel! many of us felt that same way just before TT… feeling pretty darn good, chores done, a little nervous and ready to bring it on (or should I say take it out!). Remember to take it easy after your surgery…you’ll feel very good, however, your body has just gone thru a major event and needs time to recover. If you overdue it, you will crash. It’s a process…

    Wishing you the best….


    Post count: 231

    Hi, Laurel–

    You’ll have a nice patio to relax on after your surgery! I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts on surgery day. It is a relief to have made the decision and then move forward. Looking forward to hearing from you post-TT.

    Take care,

    Post count: 102

    Hi Laurel,
    It’s Wednesday afternoon on the 7th in my part of the world and just wanted to wish you well for your Surgery. Will be thinking of you and sending prayers. Hopefully you got through your to do list and will be able to rest and recover after you come home. Take care and all the best.
    Cheers, hugs and kisses

    Post count: 216

    Just a quick note as I am waiting for discharge. All went well. Ended up with 2 drains but those are out now. Calcium levels are good. Needed a little potassium. Swallowing was tough for the first day but rapidly improving. Only needing tylenol since last night. Tired but feeling good. More later.:)

    Post count: 439

    Great to hear – thanks for the update! Get plenty of rest and pamper yourself for a while – you and your body deserve it.

    Post count: 216

    Sleeping in my own bed without something waking me up every 2 hours felt great. Must have slept almost 10 hours. Just some discomfort at the site that Tylenol is taking care of. Feeling better than I expected but of course I say that while I am comfortably ensconsed in a big soft chair getting waited on. I plan to stay here all day.

    Post count: 439
    LaurelM wrote:
    Sleeping in my own bed without something waking me up every 2 hours felt great. Must have slept almost 10 hours. Just some discomfort at the site that Tylenol is taking care of. Feeling better than I expected but of course I say that while I am comfortably ensconsed in a big soft chair getting waited on. I plan to stay here all day.

    Good for you, but modify that plan just a tiny bit: plan to stay there all WEEK! :)

    Post count: 231

    Great to hear all went well and you’re home now! Enjoy being pampered and getting a lot of rest. Keep us posted on how you’re doing.


    Post count: 4294

    Glad to hear that all went well…please continue to keep us posted!

    Post count: 216

    Thanks for the good wishes everyone! Right now I am sitting on my 2/3 complete patio enjoying a cup of coffee. The edgers and stepping stones are still sitting on pallets but it will get done….eventually. I am feeling really good but am at 1/2 stamina. I am comfortably doing low effort activities for a few hours before needing some rest. We even took the kids out for dinner and a movie a couple of days ago.

    The incision is healing well and it only feels a little tight and a gentle pull when turning my head. I have fairly close to full range of motion. Look way up is the most limited. This has been a rapid improvement. The first few days I really didn’t want to move my neck.

    I started my replacement dose the day after getting home. I am on 112mg of the levothyroxine. I will do labs and see my endo in Oct unless if I am feeling Ok or sooner if symptoms of hyper/hypo become noticeable. The most suprising thing is that I no longer ache all over. I believe it was the PTU making me ache but it must have been gradual enough onset that that I had just gotten used to feeling that way.

    Thanks again for this wonderful forum and all the support. It has really helped me through this journey.



    Post count: 4294

    Glad to hear that you are recovering nicely! And really interesting info on the aches disappearing once you stopped the PTU. Take care!

    Post count: 21

    I am glad to hear you are doing well. My TT is this upcoming Tuesday, and I am dreading the procedure only because I am awful at limiting my activity levels. I bet my body will be the deciding factor.

    I would be grateful for any tips you would be willing to share.

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