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  • Ardengood
    Post count: 6

    HI! I was just diagnosed yesterday, after having months of shakiness, insomnia, lots of weight loss (which I just thought was due to my hard work and dedication – wrong!) and heart racing.
    I am on 30mg of Methimazole and 50 mg of Atenolol.
    I am not sure what to expect. I have to go back in two weeks.
    I also have Hashimoto, which when looking at the symptoms, doesn’t seem like it could co-exist with Graves, but I guess it does!
    I was glad to find this message board because I don’t know anyone else who has Graves or Hashimoto (or maybe I do, but don’t know!!) and it is nice to have support!


    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome! It is possible for patients to have both Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In fact, we are hearing from more doctors who believe that instead of treating these two conditions as completely separate, the term “Autoimmune Thyroid Disease” should be used to describe both issues. In Graves’ disease, the body’s own immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland. The antibodies mimic the effect of TSH, causing the gland to pour out too much thyroid hormone, which results in hyperthyroidism. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is also autoimmune, but it is a destructive process. As more and more thyroid tissue is damaged, this eventually leads to hypothyroidism. (Although you can have an initial burst of hypERthyroidism as the destructive process releases stored hormone from the thyroid).

    If you are currently dealing with both issues, it’s important to stay on top of your lab work to make sure you are receiving appropriate treatment for any hyper/hypo swings. Also, if you feel a change in symptoms in between doctors’ visits, definitely call your doc’s office and ask to be seen sooner.

    Take care – and please check back to let us know how you are doing!

    Post count: 74

    Hi Arden, Welcome! I too was diagnosed with Graves Disease on 12/6/12 and had RAI on 12/14/12. I also suffered with all the same symptoms you have, and was diagnosed with a-fib to add insult to injury. I have a great endo who I really like and he feels my a-fib is thyroid driven. My heart rate has returned to normal between 50-70 which is way better than 180 bpm. This is a great forum and good people who will offer tremendous support. We are here for you!


    Post count: 6

    Thanks so much for the support – I have learned so much from this message board already! It is strange, but the thing I am most worried about at this point is my eyes. When I went for my appointment three days ago, I didn’t have any problems. Now my lids are swollen. I feel like I did when I had severe allergies. I am hoping it is nothing, or it won’t get worse.

    I have been reading everything I can get my hands on, and I think maybe it is too much, that I am going to make myself more freaked out by getting TOO much information.

    All of the diet information confuses me – every time I read something else, it contradicts the diet that I last read. Hopefully my endo can give me more information the next time I go.

    Thanks again – Hopefully I will calm down and be able to handle this soon.


    Post count: 74

    Hi Arden, I was and still drive myself crazy, I bought a bunch of books on Graves Disease, cookbooks for best foods, etc., I had to take a step back and stop for awhile because I got to the point I didn’t know what was good or not. I just started watching what I ate, even though I was hyperthyroid at the time I watched what I ate because I knew at some point I would go hypothyroid. I gave up caffeine, chocolate, because of my a-fib, I try to eat healthy.

    Hopefully your endo will help you get on your way.


    Post count: 40

    @ Karen -I think I asked you this, but do you still have afib, or did you go back to normal heart rhythm? I know you said, your heart rate speeds up sometimes, was curious if your afib went away?…Thanks.


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