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  • CycleColo2013
    Post count: 18

    I can’t believe Thursday was only two weeks. It feels much longer.
    Overall energy level seems to be better and more consistent.

    On Thursday the surgeon told me I no longer need to have the bandage tape across the scar. When I think of the words “colorful” and “ridge” I would prefer to be thinking about mountain ranges as opposed a rather hideous line across my neck, but I trust it will recede over time. The tenderness around the neck and the sensitivity to anything like a shirt collar brushing against it have dissipated. She has recommended using a silicone based gel called Kelo-cote to help the scar hear and disappear more quickly.

    This past Wednesday I smothered the scar with sunscreen instead and I had my first real post-surgery bike ride (other than for a few blocks with the sons to get frozen yogurt.) It was rather phenomenal.


    Post count: 182

    Hi Cycle. Good to hear from you. Glad to hear that your energy level is increasing. I’m noticing that one week after surgery that my scar area is starting to itch and I don’t want anything near it. Weird but I can’t wait to see it at my two week appointment. Thanks for the info on Kelo-cote..adding it to my list.

    That’s an impressive bike ride! Congrats!


    Post count: 231

    That’s a long ride! You must have felt great! The ridge and redness will go down. My surgeon has me doing gentle massage to the scar, which is helping. She also recommended covering the scar to prevent permanent redness caused by sunburn or tan.

    I’m glad your energy level is good. I’m starting to feel a bit hypo, but get labs drawn Tues and see endo Friday.

    Thanks for keeping us posted on how you’re doing and best wishes for a continued positive recovery!


    Post count: 231

    Karen, my incision was itching like crazy after a week, but I’m sensitive to adhesives. So glad when the steri-strips got pulled off. I still don’t like having anything touch my scar. It’s getting less sensitive with time, but still can’t wear shirts that aren’t v-neck or open collar. I think when the ridge under the scar finally goes away it will not be so easy for fabric to rub on the incision.


    Post count: 110

    Holy cow 53 miles two weeks after surgery… Slacker…

    I kid I kid!

    It is SO good to hear the success stories- thanks for taking the time to make such a great post.

    I’m glad that you’re feeling good champ- keep on keepin’ on!

    Good tires and good health to you,


    Post count: 18
    amosmcd wrote:
    Karen, my incision was itching like crazy after a week, but I’m sensitive to adhesives. So glad when the steri-strips got pulled off. I still don’t like having anything touch my scar. It’s getting less sensitive with time, but still can’t wear shirts that aren’t v-neck or open collar. I think when the ridge under the scar finally goes away it will not be so easy for fabric to rub on the incision.


    Amy it never occurred to me until you mentioned this sensitivity – itching went away and brushing up against the scar became so much less irritating after I met with the surgeon and she had taken the strip off.

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