Hi guys
If anyone read that I had abnormal bleeding (post menopausal) they knew I went one week ago today for transvaginal ultrasound. This was espcially difficult for me because I am very, very uncomfortable and find it humilitating and not to mention embarrassing. It also was painful at times.
I went to Cleveland and just go back late last night and still NO call from this idiot doctor that was supposedly going to analyze this ultrasound test.
I think that’s abit long to wait myself so I called and they still had not analyzed it to this day. Can you believe this? One whole week? What does it take to analyse this ultrasound test?
I told the nurse I have Graves’ disease and suffer from major anxiety so I NEED to know where I stand. She was cold and said she would try to get a doctor to read the test. “To put your mind at ease, she said, there isn’t probably anything wrong or they would have told you by now.” Makes no sense if they didn’t even analyze this test.
Alittle later a doctor called. (not mine) he said I need another surgery. He said my uterus is thick and they need to operate in the hospital and take biopsies out of me again. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS.
Why the Hell do I have to go through this all over again? It was a total mess the last time. I had to take abortion pills to open the cervix which gave me pain that was uncontrollabe. My anxiety actually gave me tremors and then the embarrassment of an operating room where I ordered ALL the men to leave or I would NOT go through with it!
The biopsies were benign, but less than 2 years later, I’m going to have to re-live this nightmare? I feel like giving up and I am really,really at the very end of my rope. I do believe it’s going to break. I am shaking and crying. Help.
I’m so sorry you are going through this again.
Is there any way to get a second opinion? I’m surprised the dr called and told you this over the phone.
I wish I could be of more help to you.
My only thought is do you think they would consider or you would consider a hysterectomy ? That way you wouldn’t have to go through this again? I don’t know if its something you’ve discussed or if I’m totally out of line here.
I hope you get some relief soon.
No, Di, you are not out of line at all. I was thinking the same thing today. Maybe take out the uterus? Then this would not keep happening to me.
I have so much to deal with, Graves’, pituitary disease, and now this? I just did this surgery about 12 or 14 months ago and thought it was a done deal. How does this keep happening?
I made another appointment (yes to see another doctor) I do want another opinion on what to do. I’M SICK OF THIS
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, Karen. It does seem unreasonable to have to wait a week for results when they consider the bleeding to be abnormal.
I’m glad you’re getting another opinion. I think a hysterectomy would be a reasonable alternative to continued biopsies and surgeries. I think we women have to deal with uteruses far longer than we need them!!
Best wishes and hope you get an answer soon.
Take care,
Amy((((Karen)))) so sorry you are dealing with this and I hope the second opinion reveals a better option.
Thank you, ladies, for responding. I really appreciate it…. Not sure what to do as I am beside myself and this throws a monkey wrench into RAI which I was planning to do. I am behind in my thyroid panel blood work, have been feeling hyper this week, and never even made it to the lab.
I dont think the anxiety of this is helping my condition either. I feel like vomitting, alittle while ago, my face broke out in a horrible rash I am trying to calm down now. Hot flashes are horrid worse than usual. Heart if pounding. I guess this is all anxiety or if I could get those labs, I would know where I stand.
thank you all for “being there.”
KarenMy mom went through cervical cancer almost 14 years ago.
I sympathise with your having to go through uncomfortable and embarrassing exams and treatments. It’s no picnic.
But even if it’s a problem in the last place you want to deal with, it’s important to have it checked to make sure everything is okay. You have to listen to your body.I hope everything comes back normal for you, and that it goes well.
Have they explained to you, why something like this would keep reoccurring? Or why biopsies would be needed again, anything they do for it to stop it?
Hang in there!
No. they do not explain why this happens again over and over and it’s less than 2 years. they just think I’m going to keep spreading my legs and having surgery after surgery and biopsy after biopsy. Well, I have better things to do than to be humiliated each time. I am very, very sensitive on this subject.
I do not allow male gynecologists. so many women have been sexually assaulted. We just had a case here recently. And I will not do anything unless it’s a woman involved in the surgery.
My appointment is Monday with a woman. I will tell her I WANT this uterus removed. I can’t go through any longer. I have Graves’ disease on my plate. the anxiety I am going through is making everything worse. I don’t want to sleep or eat, feel like crying every two minutes, I broke out in hives yesterday and nobody understands why I am so upset. I am sick and tired of being threatened with uterine cancer every year. Something has to be done or quite frankly, I will just let it go and take my chances. I’m 55 years old. I’m old anyway and don’t know how much longer I have.
I have already planned my funeral and purchased a crypt in a beautiful masoleum near my father. Another thing that is on my mind is my father’s birthday is Tuesday. He would have been 100 years old and I was planning a party. Now I will spend it in the cemetery.
Hi Karen – I’m running back in to the exhibit hall shortly, but wanted to let you know that I am SO sorry to hear about this latest development. This is obviously an area way out of my expertise, but it certainly seems that you deserve a better explanation before undergoing this kind of procedure *again*. Hopefully, this new doc will be able to give you some solid guidance on Monday. Please hang in there…and keep us posted!
Dear Karen,
It is difficult to read ALL the things that you are having to deal with–all at the same time. No wonder you are overwhelmed!
Talking to the doctor about your feelings and fears about a hysterectomy, and whether or not that would be a solution is probably #1.
Things sound out of whack all over the place, and you need someone to talk to. Whether that is a counselor, a grief therapist, but someone that will actively listen to you, and help you find your own strength (however small right now) is so important. That is not to say you are weak or crazy, or any other inference people sometimes take from my “advice”. You, nor anyone else, is equipped to handle all these simultaneous things well. Now throw in some mixed up thyroid hormones, adrenaline out the window, and all the anxiety that those chemicals create, combined with the real fears, frustrations and feelings of alone-ness. If I sound like a therapist, that’s because that’s what I do! That’s why the foundation was started 20+ years ago.
My mother would be slightly over 100, and I know how that sadness can get magnified when all the other things are stirred in. I don’t get to the cemetery often because she is in Florida and I am in North Carolina, but either I throw a blanket on the ground and I have a wonderful (even if it is one-way) conversation, catching her and my father up on whatever is going on in my life, the grandkids–whatever. Just as often, the blanket is on the ground and so am I–weeping crocodile tears. I do try to think what they would want for me, and I know it is to get the help/assistance I need and get back to living.—My mother was a counselor, so she kept our eyes on the prize!
Your’e going to make it through next Tuesday, but it will be one day at a time (’cause that’s all any of us get). You are going to talk to the gynecologist/surgeon (?) and ask your questions (which you are going to sit down and write out so that you won’t forget). You’re going to stay connected with all the people here that are so supportive of you, and “we” will all get through this, day by day and piece by piece.
Please take care,
I’m glad you’re going to get a second opinion. It never hurts to get a different perspective from another doc.
Good luck and let us know how it goes!!
@Kimberly, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take time to write to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are a gem!
Nancy, thank you SO MUCH FOR WRITING TO ME. You make great sense and I totally understand what you are trying to convey and realize that as strong as some people think I am, I do believe everyone has their breaking point. Unfortunately I feel like I’m at that point.
Sometimes we get “beyond” our cool and my “friends” do their best. Even husband is being very nice to me. Thank God. I take to heart everything you have said and you are definitely a great influence as a guide for me.
Sorry to hear about your loss as well. I guess we can relate. I knew May 7, would be a tough day for us, but I am going to see my father and spend some time with him. A far cry from the party my mother and I had planned for his 100th birthday. His greatest wish was to live to be 100 and he died at 89. He fought so hard to be here for us but I know he’s still with us and is in peace in his new home. I pray he is with God now. He was a good man….
Stymie: yes, you are right I am going for another opinion. I have done a lot of thinking today, my hives are going and trying to be rational about this. My thought is to seriously think about removing the uterus. I don’t want to go through this again and again. I have RAI or TT to worry about as this disease evolves and this is what my endo told me. I am “evolving.”
I appreciate everyone’s concern. I am doing my best to hold it together and you ladies are THE BEST.
Karen -
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