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  • SueAndHerZoo
    Post count: 439

    I think I recall someone asking this once before but now I can’t find the post. It seems like every time my doc calls to tell me to go ahead and increase my methimazole a little, my thyroid acts up EVEN MORE for a day or two after the increase. At first I thought it was my imagination but yesterday I was told to increase again and today I have been a hyper-thyroid mess!

    I don’t know if there is any medical or scientific reason why that might happen but I wonder if anyone else has noticed it. It’s almost like the thyroid is throwing a temper tantrum because you’re trying to slow it down.

    Strange bodies we have . . . I hope this is short-lived.

    Post count: 216

    Hi Sue,

    I also remember a thread not too long ago that talked about adjusting to dosage changes that Kimberly and I had replied to. Probably could find it by looking at the list of my posts under my profile. Anyway, the jist was that we both notice an adjustment period even if the numbers are heading in the right direction. Mine usually takes about 7 to 10 days of feeling worse (fatigue, irratability, etc.) and then I feel better.


    Here is the thread

    Post count: 439

    Thanks for finding that, Laurel. I think that post was created just about the time my doc last raised my dosage so the timing was perfect. We raised it again so I’m reassured that even though I feel lousy today, this too shall pass.

    Thanks again. Sometimes just getting validation that what’s happening to you has happened to others is all that’s needed to feel a little better.

    Post count: 273

    With me the change is lowering the methimazole and I’ll feel good the first two days and on day three it’s like check me in to the loony bin. I get emotional, angry, paranoid and overheated! Then about a week out I’ll feel normal again. I hope you feel better soon!

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