So I did the RAI. it’s been over a week. I’ve been doing okay, my RAI was completely uneventful, which was great.
But now I’m like overly tired, yawning, the idea of drinking espresso in the middle of the day sounds good (I’m not the kind of person to drink coffee through out the day). I keep having to find sources of caffeine or I’ll keep trying to fall asleep. It comes in waves after it wears off, the yawning starts again.
Is this a normal thing so soon? I mean what are you really supposed to feel after the RAI?
I called my endo to ask about it, since I really can’t spend the next few weeks in a caffeine overdosed – sleepy cycle. They said to come in on friday morning.
Thanks for anything really.
Hi mwhitney, have you had a chance to check out AZGravesguy’s thread about his RAI journey? From what I’ve read there and elsewhere, it’s a process of a few months where you might seesaw around a bit and need frequent testing and medication adjustments. My endo told me it was usually about six months to stability after RAI in her practice.
Hello mwhitney,
A patient should be seen after RAI treatment. How soon varies from doctor to doctor. One doctor says three to six weeks at which time FT4 and T3 levels should be done. After several months when the thyroid function tests are decreased to normal the TSH test is also done. I believe the TSH is not done right away because it takes time for the pituitary which has been to sleep to reawaken. Also only when the Free T4 drops significantly will the TSH start to rise indicating hypothyroidism.
Is feeling sleepy normal and so soon –normal? I am sure there are general rules for how one is expected to feel. The problem is the rules do not always apply to an individual because there are always exceptions to the rules.
It is good that you are able to see your doctor to have thyroid hormone levels checked and whatever else he thinks should be done. Also you might speak to your primary doctor and let him or her know what is going on.
I hope you start to feel better very soon.
EllenHi mwhitney,
Good that you are seeing your endo on Friday morning. Is there ANY POSSIBILITY that you can get your labs BEFORE you see the endo? This makes so much sense, for then endo and you will have the complete picture of your symptoms, how you feel, AND your labs.
Otherswise I bet my bottom dollar, that he/she will say,
“well, let’s get some labs, and see what they say.” And it will be the weekend.Can you see your visits and labs electronically?
I suggest you call the office again, say exactly this, that would they please send the requisitions to the lab, so you can have the results by the time you see the doc on Friday. Just so you, know, thyroid labs that are drawn in the morning, ARE available in the afternoon. I’ve looked up mine multiple times for results on the same day.
Hope this helps.When should you see the doctor after RAI? I think anytime you have questions, or feel like a mac truck ran over you, and you can’t stay awake is a VERY GOOD reason to see your endo!
ShirleyI was supposed to do my labs today, but when you start yawning every 30 seconds when it starts at 1 pm, things sorta slip your mind.
I’ll go do them tomorrow, my endo should be able to get something, hopefully. or at least be able to see them and call something in or something after I see her. She’s been really good about getting me in when I have a weird problem come up. I my body tends to be hypersensitive to things to begin with. But I’m not really sure I’m supposed to be so tired. I figured that come when the dump down started. But I never felt like I really went hyper when I went off the meds. And only had maybe 30 seconds of that heart pounding during my RAI isolation time.
I haven’t gotten to any labs since all this went down, since the meds went wrong to begin with, then I was off for a week and a half. And then did the RAI. It’s been crazy.
Thanks for the responses.
When I looked at other’s experiences they seemed to be all over the map, it’s like everyone get’s a different facet of what can happen, it’s so weird.
Hi. My name is Con nie. I am new to this site. I just read yhour post re: Rai therapy. I go for mine on 5.7.13. What did your Dr. say. Is being that tired normal? Are you ok? I don’t know how this site really works so if I am using this incorrectly let me know.
I went to see her today, just as a precaution I did my labs yesterday, and I’m really glad I did because I’m already at 2 weeks out at the high end of the normal range for everything except the TSH.
She said she’s never seen it work that fast on anyone. I’m not all that surprised my body tends to be over sensitive, I get all the bizarre stuff.
She wants me to come on next week and redo my labs on thursday again, She thinks by then I’ll be able to go on a low dose of synthroid.
I guess that’s why I’m so sleepy, but great to know I don’t have to muddle through this for 8 weeks. But if I did- I’d probably go into the thyroid coma with my luck.
My face is still swollen on the left side, she still not sure what’s going on there, I get that my body is packing on some fat again, I’m back at my average weight about 125-130 pounds. But I have a feeling once I’m leveling out and regularly exercising again, I’ll slim back out again.
I think I’ve had a similar trip through the RAI as you. The medication made me sick so I didn’t take it much, and then when my RAI treatment finally happened it made me a zombie. I’ve overslept for work twice which everyone thinks I’m just making up excuses but I’ve slept through 6 alarms i have set on my phone. It kind of helps knowing someone else is experiencing similar problems.
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