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  • mwhitney
      Post count: 34

      I went in today to take the little radio-active pill.

      So far, so good. Just in case anyone else out there’s worried about it, I know I was pretty scared about it. It’s been a few hours, I was able to ask more questions, they were really nice and explained everything (I guess my doctor was supposed to do this?)

      I was able to ask them why I got all loopy, unbalanced and so tired that I passed out when I took my uptake test. They thought I had probably gotten too much iodine and that I may have actually had a thyroid storm.
      So I’m hoping that doesn’t happen again, but I won’t know until later tonight, It hit me in the evening hours when I did the uptake. If it does I’ll be hanging out in the emergency room. I didn’t really know what happens in a storm, if that is what happened, but I know it wasn’t much fun.

      I guess I’ll just hide out and watch more tv. haha.

        Post count: 74

        Wishing the best for you.

          Post count: 195

          Hope everything goes well! Good luck!


            Post count: 491

            Hide out, watch TV & hang with us! :) Good luck with RAI; I hope you don’t have too much of a thyroid dump, and it goes as smoothly as possible. Just remember that you’re on the path to being well again, and that is a really good thing! Hang in there!

            Online Facilitator
              Post count: 4294

              Wishing you all the best…and hoping that you have an uneventful night! Please keep us posted!

                Post count: 34

                Thanks! So far I seem to be doing fine, I got a little sleepy and took and nap but that’s as exciting as I’ve got.

                Honestly, this hasn’t been hard, or terrible or really even that inconvenient.
                It sounds so scary when your first diagnosed. And then you start reading the restrictions, but alot of what your reading depends on your dose, and your not getting anywhere near the amount of radiation as a thyroid cancer patient. I think they said I got somewhere between 10 or 15 milicuries just to be sure my thyroid goes bye bye.

                So you drink a lot of water, and hang out and watch tv alone, stay across the room from everyone, be the only one to use a specific bath room, wash your hands a lot, try to pay attention to things you put in your mouth, tell you dog you sorry you can’t pet him. And after 3 days any radiation dissipates because this isotope only has a 16 hour or so life span. I feel like the graves it’s self has been more of a hassle.

                To anyone else who’s thinking about it or scared like I was, telling you, totally not scary. I asked a ton of questions to the nuclear physicist, which really helped, you can even call and pick their brains if it helps.

                So far, not even remotely bad.

                  Post count: 231

                  Hope things continue to go smoothly for you!


                    Post count: 40

                    Good luck! I’m excited to hear about this process for you because I am very close to making the decision for myself!

                    Did they say anything about being around children? I have 3 kids and being away from them will be hard! I can’t just shut myself up, they won’t understand!

                      Post count: 34

                      So far it’s been pretty good, no problems at all.

                      They did tell me to stay away from children and pregnant women because they are more susceptible than adults.

                      It’s not like you can’t be in the same room, but you just have to be at least 3 or more feet away. You would be able to talk to your kids, just not be in close contact.
                      That’s what I did with my pets all week, a quick pat and talk to them, but no snuggling. The first day has the highest amount of radiation after the second you would have less than half, and it’s mostly gone the third day, but you just play it safe.

                      Most of it comes out in your saliva, sweat or urine, that’s just what you mostly watch out for. They told me anything that might had gotten trace amounts of radiation on would be gone after 3 days, so you don’t have to be paranoid about things in your house.

                      They might not understand, but you could find away to explain it, that you have a bad cold for 3 days, and you don’t want them to get sick.

                      Between everyone else that lives in my house and my pets (4) of them, 2 birds a dog and a lone lizard. And my mom who has max radiation exposure already, I was really worried, but it’s been very uneventful and easy, and not as complicated as half the things you read online
                      The hospital gave me a very short list of instructions, which were mostly hygiene , anything that touches your nose or mouth to be disposed of separately, clothes and sheets washed separately, hydrate, and stay 3 feet away, but minimal contact like riding in the car home was okay.

                        Post count: 339

                        Oh I admire you. I have already made this choice and am curious as to see how it goes. my doctor told me I wouldn’t feel “very well” for acouple of days so I’m expecting that, but what a relief to know that little monster that has caused so much trouble is going to die!!!!

                        God bless you and I pray you do well.


                          Post count: 34

                          I was told I might feel like I had the flu, But I literally didn’t feel anything.
                          maybe a little bit sleepy, that’s it.

                          I honestly felt worse when I did my uptake test.

                          today was my third day, totally easy, done.

                          Now I just get to wait. haha.

                            Post count: 40

                            I don’t think I could stay home after having it done. My kids are super snugglers, they love hugs and kisses and they crawl into bed with us at night! Plus I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the same bed as my husband right? My inlaws have a small basement apartment, I could always go there for a few days. Might even be relaxing lol!

                            How did you decide that this was the right choice? I’m making myself crazy trying to figure it out! I’m not tolerating the meds well so I need to decide now!

                              Post count: 34

                              That sounds like a good idea.

                              I was diagnosed about 6 or 7 weeks ago, I didn’t really like the sound of my options and went with the meds, but I didn’t tolerate them well at all, they made me feel miserable and then my face on the left side swelled and my lymph nodes were feeling sore. I talked to my doctor and she took me off them.

                              When I went to see her I figured I’d be put on another medication, but because my reaction wasn’t a normal side effect I couldn’t try something else.

                              I had to decide that day, because letting it go hyper mode and rebound wasn’t a good idea. I also have cervical dystonia in my neck so surgery was not a wise decision, I thought I wanted it, but without time to interview various surgeons, I decided for RAI. Less of two evils at this point.
                              When I scheduled it they let me ask questions to just about everyone in the department, I was able to ramble off what ever I wanted, which really made me feel a lot better about it, it seriously made me not afraid, and took the anxiety away.

                              And now that’s it over, I can just wait for 8 weeks and wait for synthroid. I might not be a picnic for a few weeks, but it can’t be worse than the 5 weeks on the methimazole.

                                Post count: 36

                                I am new to all of this and RAI therapy was one of the treatments the endocrinologist wants to do upfront. I am confused as to which way to gout I am glad that you have decided and I hope all goes well for you!

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