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  • applegreen72
    Post count: 6


    I managed to get a copy of my thyroid uptake scan results. Just need some input of what you all think.

    There is diffuse heterogeneous uptake and enlargement of the thyroid gland with a prominent pyramidal lobe. There is increased 4 to 24 hour uptake of 44 and 62% respectively. No dominant hot or cold nodules are indentified.

    Impression: Findings consistent with Graves disease.

    After the above, I was put on methimazole 10mg daily. I recently went back for my blood test and my TSH was still suppressed. My doctor increased the dosage to 20mg plus atenolol 50mg.

    I know from all you great forummers and sufferers of graves disease that one cannot just measure by TSH alone but my doctor refuse to listen. I have to beg to have my free T4 and liver enzymes check in my next blood test. (He refused to check my free T3 and antibodies saying so long TSH is suppressed, no use checking others)

    I know I have to go get an endo soonest possible but meanwhile what you all think.

    Any advise is greatly appreciated.


    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I would suggest that you discuss with your doctor the latest guidance from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American Thyroid Association, which notes that: “Serum TSH may remain suppressed for several months after starting therapy and is therefore not a good parameter to monitor therapy early in the course.”

    You can find a copy of this guidance if you go to the “Treatment Options” thread in the announcements section at the top of the forum, and open up the second link. The above information is on page 12 of the PDF version (labeled as page 604 of the original journal article.

    I would absolutely push for testing of Free T4 and T3. The antibody testing is primarily useful for getting a definitive diagnosis (which it sounds like you received from the uptake test) and for determining when it’s safe to withdraw anti-thyroid drugs. Some docs also use it to monitor the course of thyroid eye disease. The testing is fairly pricey and the antibodies tend to have a fairly long “shelf life”, so that’s not one of the tests that is done on a regular basis.

    Hope this helps!

    Post count: 6

    Thanks Kimberly.

    That is very good information and thanks for pointing me to the exact page. :)

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