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  • Carito71
    Post count: 333

    Hello everyone,

    Has anyone been asked to stop the Methimazole temporarily?

    My TSH increased a lot but my fT4 increased also.

    08/09/12 Taking 30mg/day
    TSH … 1.65 (normal 0.27-4.20) (low of normal)
    fT4 … 0.53 (normal is 0.8-1.70) (low)

    09/14/12 Taking 10mg/day
    TSH … 8.71 (normal 0.27-4.20) (high)
    fT4 … 0.68 (normal is 0.8-1.70) (low but closer to normal)

    I’m concerned b/c the Dr wants me to stop the Methimazole for 5 days and start 5mg/day after that. I’m concerned that he might be concentrating on the TSH # more than the fT4#, which did move closer to the normal range. He also wants to see me in 2 wks but does not want to order labs b/c he thinks it is too early to see any changes. I tried to move my appt for later so that we could do labs right before the appt but the nurse discouraged it.

    Kimberly, you are on Methimazole and have been on it for several years. Did you ever have to stop it for a while? I’m afraid of getting hyper again. Hypo is way better than hyper.

    I appreciate any input.

    Thank you everyone for reading and for your input.
    Caro :)

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Caro – I’ve never been asked to stop the methimazole, but I haven’t had my TSH go above 5, and I don’t think my T4 has ever gone below the “normal range” (although there have been a couple of times when it was scraping the bottom of the barrel of “normal”).

    It’s likely the combination of low T4 and high TSH that led to your doctor’s decision. Dosing with methimazole is part art, part science…you don’t want to slide further into hypO, but you obviously don’t want to go hypER again, either.

    Definitely keep a close eye on your symptoms during this time, and don’t be afraid to ask for a quicker set of labs if you feel a significant shift.

    Take care!

    Post count: 333

    Kimberly, thank you for replying. I’m nervous about the whole thing. I’ve been getting headaches but they seem to be related to my allergies and the change of weather. I feel hot at times so I get worried that I can’t even tell what symptoms to look for. If I’m hypO I should be cold but I’m hot :( My heart is fine but my BP gets low with the Metoprolol. Even more confusing is that my general Dr. thought that my Endo should have not lowered my Methimazole so much last time (From 30mg/day to 10mg/day). She thought that at the dose he put me on that I would go hypER again. I guess the Endo has more experience on the whole thing. I sure hope so :)

    Thank you for the quick response. Im really hoping and praying that the next 5 days go smoothly. There is nothing better than being healthy.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 231

    Hi, Caro–

    Just wanted to say hi and wish things were more stable for you. I think it must be awfully confusing when your primary care doc questions the specialist. As if you don’t have enough to worry about!
    I hope things get better for you and you get some answers.

    Take care, Amy

    Post count: 333

    Hello Amy. :) Thank you.

    Post count: 62

    This sounds plausible. I don’t have personal experience yet but today at my endo appointment ( a second opinion doctor but much better so from now on my endo) he said that I can expect to go off and back on in the process for achieving remission, including loweng the dosage. He assured me that the methmizole is not as toxic as the other anti-thyroid meds so you can stay on it much longer. I would like to hear more on that from people who have eveni on for a long time.

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