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  • little_deer
    Post count: 4

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to give a quick update on my pregnancy experience. Thanks to close monitoring, things have gone extremely smoothly. My bloodwork has remained well within the reference intervals for pregnancy and I’m now down to just 50 mg of PTU a day. Aside from minor third trimester discomforts, I have been feeling very good! Best of all, the baby appears to be healthy and there are no suspected complications.

    My thyroid antibodies are now at an all time low. I really hope that things don’t flare up after delivery. My suspicion is that the odds are against me, but wouldn’t it be nice to go into a long-term remission? My endocrinologist says he has seen it happen, so I will try to think positive thoughts. I’ll post again after the baby is born and we have a better idea of the way things are heading.

    Anyway, I hope this is encouraging to anyone struggling with Graves’ and agonizing over whether to try for a pregnancy with PTU. Just remember that there is no one true treatment and what may work for some does not work for all. Also, there is still so much we don’t understand about autoimmune and Graves’ disease- it’s treatments and their side effects. Pregnancy alone seems fraught with risk, but so far we are glad we took the chance and can’t wait for the arrival of our little one.


    Post count: 1909

    Great news! I look forward to your future posts!

    Post count: 491

    Congratulations! Remember that either ATD is safe for breastfeeding as well (I believe you can go up to 250 mg with PTU or 20 mg with methimazole). I hope your body stays on the up and up with your hormone levels after delivery. :)

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