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  • jess87124
      Post count: 1

      I’m 30 years old and was told I have Grave’s disease in January, and am looking for any information and advice I can get. I was diagnosed a little late and was told its not reversible.. A week ago I ended up in the hospital because I kept having blackouts while at home with my little girl, and could not remember what happened. They said my levels were so bad if I had waited any longer I would have ended up in a comma.. Same thing is happening again and I feel hopeless as a mom , that I’m not capable of taking care of my 19 month old in the fear of it happening with her again. It’s very frustrating and really have no one to talk to, on top of that I had to quit my job at a bank because I could not function properly and now have no insurance, so I’m looking for any advice and resources and just people to talk to that are going threw the same thing. Please help me.


      Online Facilitator
        Post count: 4294

        Hello and welcome to our forum. First of all, Graves’ isn’t reversible in all patients (some do go into a period of remission), but it is absolutely TREATABLE. If you check out the “treatment options” thread in the announcements section of the boards, you can find resources on the three available treatment options (Anti-Thyroid Drugs, Radioactive Iodine, and thyroid surgery). These treatment options can restore you to good health…and give you your life back!

        Please don’t let lack of insurance or funds prevent you from seeking treatment. There are a number of clinics in the U.S. that provide care on a free or sliding scale basis. The U.S. government’s Health Resources and Services Administration web site allows you to do a search by zip code. Although they don’t always offer specialist care, they can at least connect you with a physician that can order labs and prescribe medications. You can find them on the web at:

        (Note on links: if you click directly on the following link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing, or you will have to log back in to the forum. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

        Also, there is a non-profit organization called the Patient Advocate Foundation that helps individuals who are uninsured and underinsured seek access to medical care. You can find them on the web at:

        Unfortunately, with our healthcare system, we sometimes have to be VERY aggressive in being our own advocates and seeking out appropriate care. But please take the time do this ASAP…both for yourself and for your little girl.

        Take care — and please keep us posted on how you are doing.

          Post count: 333

          Welcome to the forum Jess.

          I’m so glad you found us. Here you will find people to talk to about Graves (GD) and get good information. The people are great too :) I have to say they helped me a lot when I needed it most.

          I’m new here too. I joined in early June when I was diagnosed after having to be taken to the ER with a fast heart rate. I’m very blessed to be taking the medication now for I was starting to get very sick. I’m taking medication not only for the thyroid but also for my heart.

          Please do see a Dr as soon as possible. Untreated hyperthyroidism/GD is very very dangerous. Like you were told before, you can end up in a coma or worst. Are you on any medication at all for it? If you are on medication that is another good reason to see a Dr as soon as possible. One has to be monitored closely when on the medications and labs have to be done periodically. I have been on the medications for a little bit more than 5 weeks and just last week did I start feeling more like myself. So yes, there is hope that you will get better but you have to see a Dr to get started on the best treatment for you. Like Kimberly said, please do it for your little girl.

          Please keep us posted. I wish you the very best with all of this and I hope you start to feel better soon.

          Caro :)

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