Let me start by saying that I *rarely* drink alcohol. That being said, there is one weekend a year that DH and I like to go to this big raffle together (it’s a camping trip). The atmosphere is a partying/drinking one, and we’ve had a great time there for 6 years now. This is pretty much the only time a year I even bother to drink. I would not attend this event if I could not drink, and so this year, being on the new meds (Tapazole and will be starting Inderal soon), I told hubby we should probably skip it. I’m really really bummed though and I feel like this is really affecting my livelihood because of it. I really want to see the friends we’ve made there, and I just really want to go, but I only want to go if I know I can safely enjoy some alcohol consumption. It just wouldn’t be fun without it. (Instead of having a good time, I’d be annoyed by all the drunks! lol).
I did ask my doctor and he told me that there are “no specific precautions against drinking alcohol while on Tapazole”.
That’s not enough to convince me though. Is it really okay??? I’m not talking a glass of wine here, I’m talking drinking from noon to midnight…
Looks like it is totally your call! Sounds like fun. Probably it depends on how you pace yourself. if you really get hammered, you will probably be sick. If you have some alcohol now and then during the event, I imagine you will be fine. I imagine different people will define drinking from 12 noon to 12 midnight in various ways. You’ve got the go ahead from your doctor that you can drink with the meds. I don’t imagine anyone would ok drinking the way you presented it, for they might not interpret what you mean correctly-meds or no meds.
So-what do you plan to do? I pretty much follow the “moderation in all things” rule” which includes alcohol. Maybe you can take the middle of the road choice this year so you can enjoy yourself and see your friends, but not get clobbered and comatose and puke. and I never drink if I am driving. Period.I think it depends on the person. Are you sensitive to alcohol, drugs in general? I am. I don’t drink, so if I have 1 glass of wine, that’s plenty enough for me. I also had liver issues on methimazole; my body is just sensitive to most things. So, I guess I would use that as a gauge. If it were me, I’d skip it. Making sure my body works well with the methimazole would be more of a priority than a drinking party I guess. There’s always next year. Since having Graves and dealing with issues that have come up on my journey with medications, surgery etc etc…, some things have had to take a back seat for the good of my health.
I agree with Alexis. The Methimazole itself can cause liver problems. My Dr. told me to be careful as to what other medications I take with it. I don’t drink either but I would think that 12 hours of drinking alcohol could affect your liver when already taking a medication which risks involve possible liver problems. It is up to you though but I would be worried about liver problems. I haven’t even taken Tylenol and my Dr. told me that it was okay to take it. I just don’t want to have to stop the medication you see. I’m hoping that I can stay on it as long as possible to have a greater chance at getting better. Wish you the best making your decision.
I’m hoping one of the facilitators can chime in here, but I don’t think the liver risks with either PTU or other ATDs has anything to do with Tylenol or alcohol – I think it’s a different reaction. But I may be totally off base. I only say these because I was on PTU for one year, and despite the black box warning, my endocrinologist told me Tylenol and alcohol were fine in that regard. I needed to watch my alcohol consumption for a completely unrelated reason – my heart rate.
They probably are unrelated, but since alcohol, Tylenol, and methimazole are all metabolized by the liver, if one of the above is over taxing the liver (like 12 hours of drinking), it’s possible that IF Alyk’s liver is having a hard time with the methimazole, the alcohol won’t help matters. I remember when my liver enzymes came back 8 times the normal amount, the on call doctor asked me if I had had a lot to drink the night before. Hee hee (no, not even a drop- it was just the methimazole that suckered punched my liver). The good thing though is that the liver does regenerate very quickly. So, although I don’t know if it’s a great idea, you’re liver will probably be okay for 1 night. I don’t know- I wouldn’t. You need your liver. Maybe while it’s starting a new drug, it might be good to treat it a little bit carefully until you’ve established how your body handles the methimazole.
Thank you all for your input. I talked to DH some more about it. We had decided when I started my med last month that we were going to skip it this year, but as the time comes closer, I was really wishing we could go. Anyways, after more googling, reading all of your replies, and talking it through with him, we’ve decided to stick to our original plan to skip this year. I don’t want to risk it, and I know I wouldn’t have fun at this particular event without it. Even if I did go and have a drink or 2, I’d be nervous the whole time about what it was doing to my liver and it wouldn’t even be enjoyable. Maybe I’ll be off the meds next year (wishful thinking) and will be able to go. I’m not a drinker to begin with, so why risk it just for one weekend of fun. Not worth it, after further thought!
My Endo told me I could take Tylenol but knowing how Tylenol can affect the liver and how so can Methimazole, I just haven’t used it. I didn’t ask about the alcohol though since I don’t drink but I’m taking beta blocker and I know that I can’t with that.
Alyk, like you said, maybe you will be off the Rx next year or if not then you will at least know how your liver is behaving with the Rx.
I have seen people with liver transplants and waiting to get a new liver. I sure don’t want to go through that.
Good plan; usually if you have liver problems on methimazole, it tends to happen within the first few months. It can happen anytime, but not as likely later on if you were fine from the get go (as long as your dose doesn’t change I would think.) As far as pain medication, ibuprofen is metabolized by the kidneys. When I was on methimazole, that’s what I took.
Hi Alyd, I think you have received great advice from everyone. And reached your own good conclusion. In my post, I was trying to look at your situation in some kind of a realistic way in the event you decided to go, cause it seemed like you might really go.
As you said, you would be concerned enough about all of this at the party, therefore it would not be as fun as the past six years.
I’m not sure that liver damage is a huge consideration if you drink at a party, but as others have said, you have the other unknown of just beginning your ATD.
Nuff’ said. Plan something nice for you and your husband that evening.
ShirleyWeighing in late Alyk but I’m glad for your liver that you aren’t going. My endo told me that in her experience most people have a liver reaction if they are going to in the first three months on an anti-thyroid drug. So if you are still on it in a year and haven’t had any trouble maybe you can relax some.
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