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  • adenure
    Post count: 491

    Hi all,

    Last night at 1:00 AM I literally jumped out of bed, my heart racing, feeling dizzy, disoriented, and scared. I’ve been panicky since then. My heart rate is back to normal (76ish), but I still feel “off” and scared. I’m going to take 1/2 a 25 mg. atenolol for the 1st time when my husband gets home to see if it will help. My thyroid levels were normal 2 weeks ago (1.28), but I haven’t been tested since then. I started the SSKI drops Friday and am leaving Wednesday for my surgery in CT. Surgery is 1st thing Friday morning. I can’t tell if all this anxiety and panic is due to me worrying about surgery, traveling, or my thyroid. If you know my story, I’ve been off methimazole 6 weeks now due to the liver issues, and I know things were okay 2 weeks ago, I’m just not sure where I’m at now. I can’t calm down. I try to breathe slowly and relax, but I just feel weird (ever since last night at 1:00 AM). I hope the atenolol helps, I’ve never taken a betablocker and am a little worried about side effects from it. I need to make it 1 more day before we fly out and 3 more days until surgery. The last 6 months have been so difficult; I feel like I can barely hang on right now. :(


    Post count: 1909

    You will be fine with the beta blocker. It will probably help you.
    ANd..of course you are experiencing some stress about the unknown. But remember, this is a TREATMENT, the path back to being YOU again!

    I think you would feel much more anxious and worried if you were still in the limbo you have been experiencing for the past few months. YOu are doing the right thing for you!

    Post count: 225

    HUGS to you Alexis. I can imagine anticipation up to the big event has got to be tough. Wishing you the very best outcome! Atenolol will help hugely to calm your anxiety and slow down your heart rate. Only negatives really is it will slow you down a lot and you might feel fuzzy headed.

    Post count: 491

    I haven’t taken the atenolol- my heart rate is 72 today and I slept 7 hours last night without any bed bolting! I think the other night was because I heard the baby crying and panicked for some reason. I’m not as anxious today; my husband is working from home, so that’s helping. So, we leave tomorrow first thing in the AM. Pre-op is Thursday & Friday AM is the surgery. I’m not going to take the atenolol unless my heart rate goes higher than it has been. Sometimes I’m in the 60’s, normally in the 70s. I remember my doc. saying if I went below 60 to stop taking it, and as I’m close to that without it, I’d rather not start it. I am taking my drops though! Hopefully that will help.


    Post count: 1909

    Good plan, Alexis. Sounds like your own diagnosis is accurate!

    Post count: 10


    I took Atenolol for 2-3 months and had no side effects and it helped a lot! It may have made me a bit sleepy, but other then that it helped A LOT! Don’t worry about taking it. My mom took this also to lower blood pressure for 10yrs. in a higher dose, and had no issues. Sorry you are going through this. Hope you can get the symptoms under control. I think the Atenolol will help you though.

    :) Hang in there!

    Post count: 125

    sending you hugs. I know your surgery is coming soon, this Friday. Everything will be alright. You will do fine and try to stay positive. Here’s to the road to recovery.

    Post count: 1324

    Wishing you a good surgery and speedy recovery, Alexis.

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