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  • elaineapodacamartinez
    Post count: 2

    I have received 3 emails in the last two days one from Kay Lee and the other from Nancy. That was not unusual and it WAS their email address. Two of the emails were almost exactly the same. They were in Spain got mugged and needed $2,00.00 to get home. No pass port or money. I emailed Nancy and it came back with a “Thank you for responding and could I wire the money to the the address listed. I don’t know what is going on but I thought I should warn all of you. I think somebody hacked into their email accounts. Please check.

    Post count: 4294

    Hi Elaine – Thanks for posting this.

    I did not receive the message from Kaye Lee, but I did get the one from Nancy today, and it was definitely a SCAM! Her e-mail account had been hacked.

    This is actually a pretty common scam, and I hope that no one on the board fell prey to it. Hackers will get access to a person’s e-mail address and send a message to their entire contact list saying they are travelling overseas and they’ve been mugged, cash stolen, etc., etc., and they need money to get home. They are hoping that good-hearted individuals will reply…and of course, those funds will never get to the intended person.

    I wish more effort would go into catching these crooks and throwing them in jail for a long, long time!

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