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  • jamcam66
    Post count: 15

    Hi Everyone!

    It’s been a while…..I have been reading everyone’s plight with this thing called Graves & I wish eveyone well.

    I appologize in advance to any men on here, but here’s my latest question & concern:

    I was diagnoised with “Mild” Graves late February 2012. I’ve been on Methimazole (Only 1 pill: 5mg twice a week) for approx. 9 weeks now. Which seems conservative from what I have read here.

    Since beginning the drug, my last 2 periods have come waaaay early. I have always been regular: Every 23-25 days apart my entire life. Has anyone else experienced this “side effect”? That all being said: I am now 45, so either it’s the drug or an onset of the beginnings of menepause symptoms. Or….perhaps Graves or the drug has pushed me to onset of menapause? I suppose I probably have no way of knowing for sure. I did not see my symptom, or read anything here as a listed side effect of the drug.

    I have my first labs since starting the meds in a couple of weeks & then the Eno appointment a week after that. Has anyone younger or not nearing menepause experienced this? Is what I’m experiencing worth a call to my Endo? Or do you think it can wait?

    Peace, Love, Health & Happiness to ALL!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Heavier, more frequent periods can be associated with hypO. If you are experiencing other common symptoms (fatigue, joint pain, unexplained weight gain, constipation, dry skin, cold intolerance, and slow pulse), it would be a good idea to call your doctor’s office to get a set of labs done more quickly.

    Otherwise, I would still mention this to your doc when you see him/her, just so they can rule out any other possible causes.

    Post count: 125

    Yep I posted about this a while back. I was shocked because I can set my periods like clockwork, every 28 days. They were getting less and less before I reached 40 it was like 4 days max and only the first two days were heavy so I was feeling great. Now, since the Graves diagnose and meds, and once I was “getting better” as my endo told me (basically possibly going near hypo) my cycles come earlier and earlier (every 21 days and are VERY HEAVY) and last 8 – 9 days. It sucks. I feel like I need a blood transfusion and I do not have any energy. I take iron, but as you know, you have to space that out with your Methimazole pills (now on .5 every other day). It is a vicious cycle (pun intended) and I have to work nearly 6 days a week. All I can say is speak with your endo and tell them about your symptoms. Good luck and God bless.

    Post count: 1

    This exact thing just happened to me also I went from regular monthly periods to every 3 weeks then now to 2 weeks apart.
    I hot diagnosed with graves 6 weeks ago and the endocrinologist started me on medication. My resting heart rate had increased dramatically.
    My hub and I think the change in period may be due to the thyroid medicine or the thyroid illness itself for this change.

    Post count: 15

    Thanks to all who responded!

    Kimberly: Thanks for the info & advise!

    Darcy: Yes this Totally sucks!

    Chelle: Your story & (period times) are EXACTLY what I am experiencing!

    Update: I decided to called the Endo (On Monday). The Dr. sent the order for a hormone blood test, which I did Wednesday. I am awaiting my results……..We shall see if I am already going Hypo. I think I might be because I have zero energy, muscle pain & I have gained 6 lbs. since I started the VERY LOW dose of Methimazole. (When you’re only 5′ tall that’s A LOT)!

    Anyway, thanks for everyone’s input & I hope we get this right. I just want to feel good again!

    Peace, Love, Health & Happiness to ALL!

    Post count: 125

    Yep right there with ya. I am 5’1″ and gained 8 pounds since the meds and feel like a cow. Others are like you are still small…nope. I feel like I am beginning to look like an egg.

    I cannot run anymore due to the heart palps (even though they took me off the betablockers), but I do yoga, pilates and ride the bike. The weight will not buldge. My doc just told me to stay focused on getting better and forget about the weight gain for now. I understand but summer is approaching and I am getting sick and tired of wearing the same two black skirts, A-line, because my butt is starting to look like a condo LOL….

    It could be worse. I feel your pain…

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