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  • Leahrae
    Post count: 12

    Hello everyone,

    Need help with new lab results. I am post RAI 4 months. I have a normal Free T4 of 1.3 (since Feb), March TSH <0.01 and my TSI antibodies are still elevated. My eyes are really inflammed as well. What does this mean? Any feedback would help. Thanks Leah

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – We’re not docs here, just fellow patients, but in general, it’s common for antibodies to spike post-RAI, and it can take quite some time for these levels to decline. Also, it’s common for TSH to remain suppressed early on in the treatment process.

    The important thing right now is to make sure that your doctor is making the decision as to when to start you on replacement hormone based on your Free T4/T3 values, and not TSH. New guidance came out last year from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American Thyroid Association that notes, “Since TSH levels may remain suppressed for a month or longer after hyperthyroidism resolves, the levels should be interpreted cautiously and only in concert with free T4 and T3 estimates.”

    Also, if your eyes are bothering you, it would be a good idea to get an initial evaluation from an experienced ophthalmologist.

    Take care!

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