Hi all
I was diagnosed with graves disease about a year ago. Six months later i had most of my thyroid removed and six weeks ago had optic nerve decompression.
Has anyone had this done and if so what are the results?
I am having problems with my vision, constantly cloudy, it is difficut to focus. I am taking eye drops but doesnt seem to help. I see through a fog which seems to clear for a short while and my vision is good but does not stay stable. Most of the time my vision is foggy. It is not the optic nerve, it is on the surface but it does not wash way. Am finding it difficult to cope and constantly depressed the doctor says it is because my eyes are dry and has left me feeling there is nothing he can do. Both eyes are cloudy with double vision in one and a squint so this eye is covered over. My left is constantly cloudy. I do not have any idea what will happen next, will things ever be right? I am left feeling scared always crying because of my struggle to cope with how i see yet nothing is being done to help me. My double vision might go by itself when the muscles return to normal. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this how i will see now, i did not have this problem before the op. Can anyone help with info.Thank you
Hi, welcome to the board. I am a patient, just like you, but I do have some thoughts, and I have learned a lot by having TED. It sounds like you had an orbital decompression to relieve pressure on your optic nerve. That leads me to think that the eye doc you were seeing might have been a neuro opthalmologist? Or did another eye doc find that you had optic nerve atrophy. I am assuming you had pressure on your optic nerve, which is what that is, and had the surgery by an oculofacial surgeon to save your vision in that eye.
Fill me in on the details I might have missed or stated in error.Graves’ and thyroid eye disease (TED) are two separate autoimmune diseases.
I do not think you can plan on your muscles returning to normal. the diesase process of TED is that antibodies affect the eye muscles, and makes them stiff, and unable to contract and expand, which causes the double vision.
Assuming you are in the cold, or inactive phase of TED, there is surgery that is very easy to have to correct your double vision.
Regarding the cloudy vision and the squint, it seems that you have ended up with a disinterested doctor. It is possible that you do have side effects from the OD. Double vision is a complication and side effect. But double vision is also a part of TED for lots of us.
Do write again. It sounds to me like you need to find a very competent and compassionate eye doc familiar with TEd. You are not pleased with the guy you have. It is far too common for docs to withdraw if there are complications after a surgery. This also happened to me.YOu WILL get better. Is your Graves’ under control now? Once you have the right treatment for your eyes, I am sure you can be helped.
ShirleyHello and welcome! Shirley gave you some great thoughts. If you are interested in a second opinion, here is the web site for the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS):
(Note on links: if you click directly on the following link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).
The “find a surgeon” option is towards the top of the screen.
You definitely deserve to have someone take your vision issues seriously and find a way to get you some relief.
hi thank you for your reply I think i have extreme dry eyes dut to dryness of cornea as this beleieve it or not can cause vision problems if eye dries out during operation and i have all symtons looked on website what causes c loudy vision and was giving steriod eeyedrops by doctor I think i need other op for lower eyelids i note you had eyelid surgery did u suffer from dry eyes at all i did have blisters any comments welcone
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