Hi everyone! I am seeing a new family dr tomorrow (insh change) & I m afraid if I go in there w/ all my past medical issues, he wont listen (like the last Dr.)
I can’t see any of my specialists until I get a ‘gap extension’ which takes about 4 months (again, insh change) but I need to see if my meds are correct. I was switched to Armour & had it checked only 1 time shortly after it was changed.
I had RAI back in Jan 1999 & FINALLY got an endo a few months ago but I cant go to him anymore b/c insh.I would like him to run a complete blood work-up (thyroid & anything else that is important that I should have ran) & an antibody test (not sure what its called). I don’t know what exactly to ask for.
I can’t get the records from back then to confirm the graves. Right after I had RAI & told I had Graves, my endo retired. I was young & never asked any questions. Also my heart rate on my 1 & ONLY EKG was 140bpm at rest. It is NEVER below 110bpm. All of my drs have said this is bad but none of them have spoke anymore about it. Should I even mention it? Ugh, I feel like i’m falling apart, but don’t want to overwhelm him.A little more info: TONS of kidney stones, 1 large un passable stone has been blocking off left kidney since OCT…Found a Dr to blast it, then insh changes & cant see him anymore. No more hematologist now either for my iron infussions & monthly B-12 injections. He was going to run labs this month to check all that good stuff.
What labs should talk to him about running? Now that it will be months before I ‘might’ be able to see my old Drs, should I ask him to run it all from thyroid to kidney function? Or should I just stick to the thyroid labs? I don’t want him to think I’m a weirdo, but I feel like crap all the time, plus the kidney issues cant be good.Any advice would be GREAT!!
KariYou have a legitimate history of verifiable disease. Hyperthyroidism, treated by RAI, is verifiably in your medical history. As are the kidney stones. Your new GP needs to know the details. Any doctor worth their degree will ask for your “history.” He/she will ask what medications you are taking, in what dose. Questions will be asked about what tests, etc. What you probably should not do, on a first “date,” is try to instruct the doctor on what tests to run, etc. Doctors tend to bristle when the patient tries to run the show. But you do need to keep the doctor aware of your concerns. A fine line. I tend to ask questions. For example: does it make sense to run a full thyroid panel again? Is there any test that might tell us what is causing the kidney stones that I haven’t had? Things like that. I get my concerns across without trying to make the doctor feel like he/she doesn’t know the job. By asking questions, too, I get a better flow of information from my doctor.
As far as antibody testing: to what point? You’ve had your thyroid removed. Your antithyroid antibodies (and you probably still have them) cannot make you hyperthyroid any longer. Antibody testing, at this point, has very limited value, and may have no value whatsoever. This was a question that I asked my doctor many years ago. At that point (post RAI) — and I don’t think much has changed — I was told that antibody testing would not provide any useful information.
And a forewarning: Armour contains T3. If you are having heart issues (constant rapid rate), your doctor may want to take you off of it, and put you on T4 replacement alone. It is a legitimate idea and may be worth trying if your doctor suggests it. I was on a dose of cytomel for a while (T3) in addition to my T4 replacement. When heart issues arose — as they can do, because T3 is a very powerful jolt when we take the medication (it goes to work instantly, even if we do not need it at that moment) — I was taken off the T3. I was sure that I would feel awful. I was wrong. I felt fine, and the heart issues resolved. So, please keep that in mind. There’s a reason T3 replacement isn’t “standard.” For some of us, it is not the wisest choice. Thyroid tests may show that your replacement levels are just fine, and the subject may not come up. But if it does, you need to understand why your doctor might be making the recommendation.
I don’t really have too much to add as I was only diagnosed last week. I have had kidney stones though (3 lithotripsy “blasting” since last summer). I wonder if it is at all related to Graves? Anyway, I have seen a lot of drs. I have to write my questions down and frankly practice it before I go in and then read off my list. I have even (just last week) called and asked the dr to call me because I had more questions. For some reason, drs intimidate the heck out of me, but we know our bodies the best and our health is very much our responsibility so as Bobbi said ask questions instead of telling him, but don’t feel bad about asking and strongly expressing your fears. Re your resting heart rate, mine was 110 and that is how they thought to run more tests and diagnose so it is definitely important to tell him. (Actually nurse should take pulse after your BP. Ask what count she came up with if she doesn’t just offer the info up.)
Good luck! Deep breaths! Remember drs mean to do good. They just get caught up in the business of it all sometimes. AND if you don’t like this guy, keep searching until you find someone you feel safe with.
I’m wondering how your doctor appointment went……I hope it went well.
But most of all I just wanted to say hello…and that I am thinking of you.
Well, New Dr. seems pretty nice. I took advice & told him about the important things & explained the insh issue. He decided it was important to check some things w/ labs (whoot whoot! lol)
Thyroid was checked & results were TOTALLY not what I was expecting w/ the way I have felt for a while. My FREE T3 was a little high at 3.6 & my TSH was also high at 9.07! I thought for sure I was getting too much meds. W/out a thyroid & years of never having it right, I have learned what too much or too little meds felt like. Well, this time I was WAY wrong! lol
My b-12 was a 373, which is in normal limits, but he is wondering why its not higher w/ the weekly, then monthly b-12 injections I have had for the past year. I actually just had one a week & 1/2 ago.
He asked if I was ever checked for tachycardia. I laughed because I have only ever heard that my heart rate was too high & it was not good. Nothing else.
He changed my Armour now to 90mg 1/day from 60mg 1/day.
We shall see what he says in a month!BTW…lol
Thanks for your replies & hellos. Its nice to be able to ask a question about this & someone know what I am actually talking about!
My poor hubby still has no idea what I am talking about. Just yesterday he argued w/me that my b-12 injections WERE my iron infusions. Funny after 5 years of them you would think he would know. He’s clueless! 😮
Hi Kari,
What are the indications for you taking B12 injections? Are you also taking iron infusions? Maybe you mentioned it and i missed it. My impression is that generally, we are find with B12, with no reason to check it, unless there are indications to do so. Sometimes vegans have a deficiency, but pretty much a good balanced diet seems to work well.
Otherwise, it sounds like your doc decreasing your thyroid supplement is a good step.
*What is your heart rate now? I am assuming you know that tachycardia definition is a rapid heart rate. Generally speaking, a normal heart rate is 80-100, with reason to wonder if someone is running 100 all the time.
ShirleyThe nurse called this afternoon & said new armour dose was sent in for me & my B12 is normal & I could stop w/ the injections.
Hmmm because my hematologist/oncologist (that I cant see b/c…SUPRISE..insh reasons..LoL) told me I will need them monthly for the rest of my life. I have had them monthly for a year or so plus a few times he had me go weekly.
Not sure, but I thought my b12 would be higher then a 373. I asked the nurse when she called & she said it thats normal range even though I just had an injection.
I am still going to get my monthly injections & I let her know I was able to. Now THIS is how crazy my insh is. I can not see my hem/onc Dr, but I can get the injections. The Dr is OUT of network, yet the same office where I get my injections are IN network. LoLsnelsen, I do get iron infusions as I need them for “maintenance” for the rest of my life I was told. Same w/ the b12. They started me on b-12 because I was around 70 when checked & I did try oral but he said I couldnt absorb it that way.
He said my iron was fine now also. As for the heart rate, this morning while watching tv (nothing exciting..lol) it was 124bpm. IDK what will be done about the heart rate though. I have has so many Drs tell me how bad it is but nothing gets done. He did mention tach at my appt, but from my history…nothing will be brought up about it again. :o/ -
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