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  • CMoore416
    Post count: 16

    What are normal uptake scan numbers? I had it today at it was18% and he said it was a little elevated. My last one 5 years ago was 91% and the tech said that I was a candidate for a heart attack with that high?!?! Really? No one ever said that. Maybe he was referring to thyroid storm? The first one I had was 40% like over 10 years ago. I went in for front neck tenderness and tightness. tsh levels have been normal for one year, and I tested neg for antibodies at last test of that. Hoping no nodules? Thanks for info

    Post count: 1909

    As you already know, techs are a poor source of information, except, perhaps their job description and what they do on their job. Do you have a follow up appointment with someone who ordered the test? Probably best to discuss with that person. Do write again.shirley

    Post count: 16

    Yes my dr will call to or row with results – hopefully. Will keep you posted! I know not to trust the techs! Lol

    Post count: 148

    My uptake and scan were done at a hospital. My uptake was tested at 4 hours and 24 hours. After the second uptake, I met with a nuclear medicine doctor and he reviewed my test results. He was the first one to tell me I had Graves’ Disease.

    Later, when I met with my endocrinologist, I asked for copies of my test results. I know that different labs have different normal ranges, and I’m thinking this may be true of nuclear medicine offices as well. I really don’t know. If you really want to accurately compare your levels with normal levels, you should request copies of your test results, or maybe you could contact the facility and ask what their ranges are.

    Just to give you an idea, though, these were the findings from my test:

    4 hours: 57% (normal 5 to 15%)
    24 hours: 73.5% (normal 10 to 30%)

    Post count: 16

    My dr called and there were no nodules or goiter and thyroid looked great. Only mild hyperthyroid which I will take over what it was. Mine was just one scan after 6 hours

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