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  • Krisann79
    Post count: 32

    I could really use some help or advice right now. I’m about 7 months post RAI and have recently gone a little hypo. Upon my last blood draw I was scraping the bottom of normal range and because I felt so good we kept me off meds. I still get by but I’m convinced I could use some Levothyroxine at this point. My appt is soon so I’ve been holding off. That being said……..

    This weekend I started feeling pressing on my neck. It never goes away and it’s making me anxious eventhough I can still breathe. I’m worried I’m developing a goiter or maybe a nodule but I already had RAI so I don’t know why this would happen?

    I’m so thankful that I just happen to have a follow up ultrasound this week (by coincidence) to see what is left of the thyroid at this point. Endo said he just wanted to see. Now I’m wondering if he felt something and didn’t want to worry me? Or is this standard protocol after RAI?

    Can anyone give advice? How can I make this feeling go away? Also if I’m hypo obviously RAI wouldn’t be a good idea again. What do they do to fix this when it happens? I just want this feeling to go away!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – We aren’t doctors here, just fellow patients…but goiters can potentially be associated with hypO as well as hypER. That’s good news that you happen to have an U/S scheduled…between that and your next set of labs, that should shed some light as to what is going on.

    If you get to a point where you are having issues swallowing or breathing, don’t be afraid to visit the ER or an urgent care center.

    Take care!

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