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  • ddetrolio
    Post count: 12

    Hi all been awhile since I have been out here.

    Also been almost a year since I was last seen by the endo.

    He asked me to monitor symptoms & at that time my levels were good (Hyper is my issue) & to report any problems.

    To say this past year has been stressfull is to be kind. Work is totally falling apart & elder care as absorbed vast amounts of my time.

    I jsut saw my GP this week for flu shot, medication refills & blood work. The office left a message at the house today to call back for the results.

    There was no urgent message left, but the last time they called after blood work was when my thyroid levels were high.

    I think I am heading to that point where a decision will have to be made about a treatment. I have been on NO thyroid medications since my original visit, & have being doing my best to manage with diet & exercise.

    Would like to get some feedback from the board here from anyone who has been down a similiar road as mine in the last year.

    Is there any symptom or change I might be missing or should look for as a tell tale sign where the thyroid might be?

    Any feedback is welcome, great & supportive people is what I found when I visited before & plan not to be a stranger here in the future.


    Post count: 4294

    Hi David – It would be pretty unusual to be "overtly" hyperthyroid (T3/T4 too high and TSH too low) and not pursue treatment for a year. The "watch & wait" approach is pretty common, though, with "subclinical" hyperthyroidism, where T3/T4 are normal, but TSH is too low.

    Every patient experiences symptoms a little differently, but common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include weight loss, muscle weakness, rapid heart rate, excessive sweating, frequent bowel movements, hand tremors, and insomnia.

    Hope this helps!

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